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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: What is your opinion about tabletennisballs?
White tt-balls are the best. 27 72,97%
Orange tt-balls are the best. 1 2,70%
There are no good tt-balls. 3 8,11%
Every tt-ball is good. 6 16,22%
Teilnehmer: 37. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 02.04.2005, 22:32
ivo-M ivo-M ist offline
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Registriert seit: 30.09.2004
Ort: Belgiën
Beiträge: 49
ivo-M ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: Balls

Zitat von Sir Jan
Hey, wenn das jetzt war ist, dann geht es mir ähnlich wie dir.
Mir "sterben" die 40er weg wie nichts, vielleicht liegts aber auch an meinem neuen Holz!!!
There are many things that influence the lifetime of a tt-ball. Some players have a nose for broken balls....they bounce different among things...

The floor and the wall are very important for its lifetime. If the floor and the wall have sharp edges (example a brick-wall), then the lifetime will be very short because every-time when the ball hits such an edge the tension on the ball is so big it will break faster. The best thing what you can do is put some carpet against the wall. The floor can have the same problem but changing the floor should be 'impossible'.
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Alt 02.04.2005, 22:34
ivo-M ivo-M ist offline
registrierter Besucher
Registriert seit: 30.09.2004
Ort: Belgiën
Beiträge: 49
ivo-M ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: Balls

Zitat von Edward
ich konnte 1 monat
lang n stiga optimum spielen .
In my club we have the experiance that they last us +- 6 hours of playing competition. First they are ok, the next they break. But it can always be a bad production lot of 144 balls.
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Alt 03.04.2005, 14:05
Sir Jan Sir Jan ist offline
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Registriert seit: 04.03.2005
Ort: Ravensburg
Beiträge: 117
Sir Jan ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: Balls

Zitat von ivo-M
There are many things that influence the lifetime of a tt-ball. Some players have a nose for broken balls....they bounce different among things...

The floor and the wall are very important for its lifetime. If the floor and the wall have sharp edges (example a brick-wall), then the lifetime will be very short because every-time when the ball hits such an edge the tension on the ball is so big it will break faster. The best thing what you can do is put some carpet against the wall. The floor can have the same problem but changing the floor should be 'impossible'.
Well, I try to write correct English sentences, it`s not easy, but even not impossible.
When you play outside the gym on a stone-table, your ball will break earlier !!!
I had a "Schildkröt"-ball for ca. 5-7 or more months and the ball never brokes, it was the best ball I have ever played. I was very sad when I lost the ball in a gym .

Gruß Jan
Verkaufe Stiga Tube Aluminium!
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