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hab ich bei den neueren auch nach längerer zeit keine probleme mehr mit gehabt. mir scheinen die bedenken der haltbarkeit wegen ungerechtfertigt zu sein, auch wenn er zugegebenermassen nicht so lange hält wie ungeklebte andere beläge. aber es ist ja auch "simuliertes kleben" und richtig geklebte beläge sind auch schneller hin als ungeklebte...
"Abwehr ist die beste Verteidigung" Kai Ströde 2006. Alles zu meinem Verein: www.tvhude.de |
Joola Tango
I play with Joola tango. My last 3 rubbers (black, 1.8 mm) had problems because the rubber (gummi) come little bit (+- 1 cm²) loose of the spunge (zwamm). When i was reading the german Joola website i found information about tensor-technik. Can somebody explain my in detail what 'spannen' means. I think this is the same like 'belag strecken' but i am not sure. If you want you can always answer in german...reading is no problem for me, only my writing is not good.
mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ivo |
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
although i don't play tango, i can tell you that this has already been a subject in the message board here. the tango is very fragile in that concern.
on the one hand people say that the tango gets an extra boost from bending it,which by the way, as you guessed right is "strecken" or "spannen", on the other hand they made the experience that then the tango dies a fast death because of the extreme tension. so you have to decide wether you want to have maximum speed or just a rubber that lives longer then some weeks. |
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
I play tango (the normal version) and i do not find this rubber very fast. Also i am not looking for extra speed so i do not use glue everytime (only the one time to push the rubber on wood). I am only wondering if i do something wrong so that i have this "spannen'.
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
so you don´t have "spannen", but "Blasen" (bubbles) on your Rubber (Sponge and rubber losing contact at a small or sometimes bigger area). "Spannen" means to stretch the rubber, as this is one reason for those bubbles. And on the Joola-Website there is a warning not to stretch the tensor-rubbers, because this could cause such problems as you have right now. So, as you don´t glue and stretch your rubber, where do those "bubbles" appear? Always in center, where most contact with the ball is made? Normally without glueing this should not happen and if it happens after a short period of time, you normally can change the rubber for a new one at Joola or your shop. But if that is always happening, it seems the rubber can´t stand your style of playing it. To get out of trouble, maybe you should change the rubber. I hope my english is not too bad, long time out of school ![]() Greetz
Wer die Suche benutzt, ist nur zu faul einen neuen Thread zu eröffnen. Tibhar Aurus/Avalox J-Power/Andro Hexer Duro |
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
yes indeed, these bubbles appear in the middle of the racket but little bit more too the top-end were most people hit the ball the most. And maybe you are right to say my style of play is not good for this rubber. My play of style is forehand-topspin. But i have used this rubber now for +- 6 years and only the last 1,5 years i have these problems. I am also thinking that the company made a bigger amount of rubbers with a not so good quality? But this is only a theory! What is a short time? How many hours should you play with this rubber without problems? How can i glue the rubber with the minimum amount of stretching? Last years i used a roller. Lets say a cilinder, to roll the rubber onto the wood starting from the handle (were you hold the racket when you are playing) down too the top-end. Befor this a rolled it with my arm but with short rolling movements. Are there other ways to do this? Or is it maybe the force that you use to push the rubber onto the wood that makes the difference? In Belgium where i live we do'nt talk about stretching. Normally people who use fresh glue bring one, two or more layers of glue glue on the rubber and then push in onto the wood while they roll it with there arm or with a roller. So maybe a roller is a way to strech the rubber. How do you exactly stretch the rubber? I do not want to change rubbers, i like this rubber very much because it is not too fast and gives a very good controlled feeling when you hit the ball. I thank you for your advice and hope that you also can give an answer for these last questions. Your english is still good, if only my german was that good.... greetings, Ivo |
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
well, a rubber should stand topspins, it´s made for that ![]() I think a short period of time in that case is one month for someone who glues his rubber. As you don´t glue, this normally should never happen. Hmm, so it´s quite sure that the quality is worse now. How long can you play the rubber until the bubbles appear? If you just put the rubber on the blade, if with a roll or something else and you don´t want to stretch it, you just don´t do. Don´t worry about that. I think people who glue, stretch more, if they use their arm to press the rubber onto the blade. The most stretching effect comes with glueing, as the glue makes the sponge bigger. Then I roll with a bit pressure and stretch it manually maybe about one or two mm in length. Thats all, and I never had bubbles by glueing like that. (Only one time because of release the gum from the sponge by ironing not careful enough.) Well you do nothing wrong, it seems not to be your fault, the bubbles always appear. If you don´t want to change the rubber ( I can understand that ![]() I´m sorry, but there seems to be nothing wrong you could change to have longer fun with your rubber ![]() Greets
Wer die Suche benutzt, ist nur zu faul einen neuen Thread zu eröffnen. Tibhar Aurus/Avalox J-Power/Andro Hexer Duro |
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
I played +- 11 weeks with my last two rubbers who had this problem. Normally i play +- 3 hours every week. So lets say after 40 maybe 50 hours the problem appears.
If 'spannen' means that you make your rubber only 1 or 2 mm's longer, i start to wonder if i also not do this when i put my rubber onto the blade. What should be more safer; put the rubber direct onto the blade after you glue it (i think you use the term 'wet glue') or wait with this untill the glue is 'dry'. Can you tell me what the difference is for the speed and effect that you create between 'wet glue' and 'dry glue'? greetings, Ivo |
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
Hi Ivo,
the safer method is when you wait until the glue is dry. When you putting the rubber onto the blade and the glue isn't dry (term: wet glueing) than maybe bubbles can appear as in your case! Greets |
AW: spannen oder strecken /Joola Tango
Hello,my English Table-Tennis Penders,I have a story to tell:
A few weeks ago,I "geklebt"fresh my first Time(wow,i am so proud of myself) I thougt i knew the Tricks of the"Frisching",but I was wrong... I"streckte"my rubber untill it could "strecken",end then I"klebte"it of the Blade and....BOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM.The fucking rubber"riss"when I played a Topspin in ´the middle of the "schlagfläche"and at last i have two Rubbers... (but they are to small for to play on my all-Blade)and so I"babbte"them on a s&m"mini-Holz"by the way with this Blade,I win against my drunken coach(wow,i am so proud of myself) Your sincererly,spinny
den geilsten Sound macht immer noch die Hand ![]() ach ja, dann geht's schneller: Vh: Sriver EL 2.1 - Holz: off holz - Rh: Sriver L 1.9 |
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