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Alt 11.02.2006, 18:47
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

Zitat von Josip
there is one name missing: MA LONG!!! :boing:

and there is a other good koreaner player, too, but i forgot his name, maybe somebody other knows?
I think you mean Lee Jung Woo.
The Japanese un Mizutani is also very good. But none of them will become equal to Waldner.
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot, mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht!
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Alt 03.09.2007, 11:36
User 18150 User 18150 ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

This is a very charmful question ! Great to discuss more as in Past tense here......

Waldner is the greatest player in the last 30 years. Have you any chance to get more as Waldner. I do not think so !
All times you have greater players with a good feeling, very good conditions and with the eyes of a tiger to win the big points ! In the last five years, this thread started 2001, some players are coming.

For the Future i see many possibilitys for Ovtcharov and Baum !!
What is your opinion ?
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Alt 04.09.2007, 01:16
Carter 78 Carter 78 ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

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Waldner is the greatest player in the last 30 years. Have you any chance to get more as Waldner. I do not think so !
In my opinion, we in Europe we shall not miss to look at the great chinese players. I am not sure, if the best chinese players had not been better in their time they played (for example Liu Guoliang or now Wang Liqin). Waldner played much longer, than the best chinese players. Shall we compare the duration of a 10 year career with a 30 year career?

For sure, Waldner is unique and will stay unmatched forever! He wasn´t always the best, but he put his stamp on tabletennis like noone did before. No young talented player will ever be able to follow his steps.
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For the Future i see many possibilitys for Ovtcharov and Baum !!
Baum will become a good german player like Hielscher and Fejer-Konnerth but he will not be able to reach world´s TOP-30 rankings. Ovtcharov is able to become a world class player and reach world rankings between 8 and 20.
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Alt 04.09.2007, 17:04
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In my opinion, we in Europe shall not miss to look at the great chinese players. I am not sure, if the best chinese players had not been better in their time they played than Waldner...
Jiang Jialiang in his heydays (1984-1987) surely matched Waldner. Liu Guoliang and Wang Liqin came close to him.
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Alt 04.09.2007, 22:44
User 18150 User 18150 ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

Carter 78, please compare :

Appelgren and Lindh ! Ovtcharov and Baum !
Appelgren = Ovtcharov
Lindh = Baum

I say this is possibel, the style of them and also the quantitys and qualitys of the championships. I know this opinion is a risk to say today !

Ovtcharov will be better, step by step, not only the position in world-ranking, i mean the quality of his playing.

Baum will stay a long time the same level, he needs time - i believe 2 - 4 years playing international championsships - then he shoot up ...........

Best reagards Carter 78
Bernhard ilchev
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Alt 05.09.2007, 16:52
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?


Some quite ambitious statements. But, admittedly, especially Ovtcharov was playing - overall - consistently well over the course of the past few months. So, I can see where you're coming from. Nevertheless, I wouldn't declare victory prematurely - when a young Timo Boll had entered the scene, people spoke of a new "Waldner". Well, we all know that he never quite got there (and I say that with all the respect to Timo Boll, who is a great player, doubtlessly).

Nevertheless, it's amazing that there's a bunch of young German players with a lot of potential. However, as of now, I cannot see any who can reach up to Waldner's level.

Geändert von Tony_Iommi (06.09.2007 um 04:13 Uhr)
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Alt 05.09.2007, 21:20
User 18150 User 18150 ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

Yes Toni, correct. Ovtcharov and Baum i don´t see the level and the quality as Jan-Ove Waldner. My Opinion is, i see two players with motivation and a strong leader behind them to push up in the scene !!

And by the way, Baum has a very dangerous dynamite in his Hand.............

Greetings to New Jersey !!
Bernhard ilchev
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Alt 06.09.2007, 03:49
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

I happened to see some bits and pieces of the DTTL today (only the doubles). I was quite impressed with Suess' consistency and gutsy shots.
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Alt 12.09.2007, 23:51
Jancsi Jancsi ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

Nobody can compete with Waldner, he is simply The Pele of table tennis. There is no doubt why he is called the "Mozart of table tennis". He is the greatest ever.

Best regards from Good Old Germany,

Tue Gutes und red' drüber!
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Alt 25.01.2008, 01:06
dave51 dave51 ist offline
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AW: Talents in the world? New Waldners?

samsonov is pretty high up there with waldner,

he's a multiple european champion,

he now just needs to win a world or olympic championship,
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