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Alt 30.03.2020, 19:48
Kompletter Wahnsinn Kompletter Wahnsinn ist offline
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AW: Penholder style

Zitat von roman_wall Beitrag anzeigen
and I had so much fun!
Exactly. I switched to penhold for a similar reason eight years ago and managed to attain (and exceed later) my former playing ability rather quickly in less than half a year, albeit it's only Kreisklasse. It's still fun, no regrets.
People believe that the backhand is hard to learn, but I think this is not true, it feels basically the same once you get accustomed to the grip. If I switched back to shakehand these days, I'd have little problems with the backhand but wouldn't be able to hit a forehand instead.
Since you live in Berlin, do you know Diego Hinz from Füchse Berlin? He also plays penhold, with short pimples on one side. Quite an exceptional and attractive style. You'll find videos on Youtube.
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Alt 30.03.2020, 22:22
roman_wall roman_wall ist offline
float like a butterfly...
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AW: Penholder style

Nice to hear it*s been going so well for you! I*m also finding the backhand rather intuitive! I*m mostly struggling with the switch of material. I was so comfortable with my setup and especially miss my friends Tenergy 05 (I just know how they behave so well)
I*m not familiar with Diego Hinz but will check it on YouTube a thanks for the hint!
...sting like a bee
VH TENERGY 05 - Butterfly "Custom ALC" - RH TENERGY 05
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Alt 22.05.2021, 10:46
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AW: Penholder style

Zitat von Kamil 28 Beitrag anzeigen
It is an interesting fact, that China has a new generation of penholder players.

After Liu Guoliang, Ma Lin, Wang Hao and Xu Xin, there is now the next generation with players like the Czech Open winner Zheng Peifeng and Xu Fei.

This is really nice to see.
I think penholder has no future. Xu Xin did not have that much success compared with Liu Guoliang, Ma Lin and Wang Hao and also the new generations of penholder players will not become world champion.

table tennis changed! there are not anymore that much different styles. the future is near table attack with shakehand and strong athletic.
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