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Stammtisch Hier könnt Ihr über "Gott und die Welt", Politik, Fernsehen, Bücher, Musik und alles was Euch sonst interessiert diskutieren. Plaudern in lockerer Atmosphäre ;-)

Alt 22.03.2006, 08:05
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

Schon gut lieber Sunshiner,

.....aber diese Songs wurden eben gerade wegen der Lyrics ausgewählt - diese wiederzugeben würde aber wirklich den zeitlichen Rahmen hier sprengen ....... wen es interessiert u. wer wirklich was (fürs Leben) dazulernen will, der kann ja gerne (selektiv) nachlesen - u. möglicherweise Tage oder gar Wochen mit der angemessenen Translation* verbringen.......

(*zumindest bei Captain Beefheart dürfte es ohne Muret Sanders kaum funktionieren - T.S. Elliot, Joyce u. Faulkner muten dagegen eher wie Literatur aus dem Grundkurs an........)

Geändert von Rieslingrübe (22.03.2006 um 08:09 Uhr)
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Alt 23.03.2006, 22:38
s.olli s.olli ist offline
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

Social Distortion - Don´t Drag Me Down

Children are tought to hate, parents just couldn´t wait
Some are rich and some are poor, others will just suffer more
Have you ever been ashamed and felt society try to keep you down?
I begin to watch things change and see them turn around

Turn around, they´ll try to keep you down
Turn around, turn around... Don´t drag m down

Ignorance is like a gun in hand, reach out to the promised land
Your history books are full of lies, media-blitz gonna dry your eyes
Have you ever been afraid and felt society try to keep you down?
I begin to watch things change and see them turn around

Turn around, they´ll try to keep you down
Turn around, turn around... Don´t drag me down

Ignorance is ike a gun in hand, reach out for the promised land
Your history books are full of lies, media-blitz gonna dry your eyes
Your eighteen you wanna be a man,
Your grandaddy´s in the ku-klux-klan
Taking two steps forward and four steps back
I wanna go to the White House and paint it black!

Turn around, they´ll try to keep you down
Turn around, turn around... Don´t drag me down
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Alt 23.03.2006, 22:58
Florry Florry ist offline
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

AC/DC - Thunderstruck

I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track (Thunder) ACDC
I looked round
And I knew there was no turning back (Thunder) Thunderstruck
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do (Thunder) Songtexte
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you (Thunder) Songtext

Sound of the drums
Beatin´ in my heart
The thunder of guns Lyrics
Tore me apart
You´ve been - thunderstruck

Went down the highway Lyric
Broke the limit, we hit the town
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas Liedertexte
And we had some fun
We met some girls
Some dancers who gave a good time Liedertext
Broke all the rules, played all the fools
Yeah, yeah, they, they, they blew our minds Alle

I was shakin´ at the knees
Could I come again please? ACDC
Yeah the ladies were too kind
You´ve been - thunderstruck, thunderstruck Thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck

Oh, thunderstruck, yeah

Now we´re shaking at the knees Songtexte
Could I come again please?

Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Yeah yeah yeah, thunderstruck Songtext
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah

Said yeah, it´s alright
We´re doing fine Lyrics
Yeah, it´s alright
We´re doing fine
(So fine) Lyric

Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Tunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck Liedertexte
You´ve been thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck
You´ve been thunderstruck


Amon Amarth - Thousand Years Of Opression

He hung on the windswept world tree
Whose roots no one knows
For nine whole days he hung there pierced
By Gugnir, his spear

Swimming in pain he peered into the depths
And cried out in agony
Reaching out he grasped the runes
Before falling back from the abyss

He gave himself unto himself
In a world of sheering pain
So that we all may live our lives
By the wisdom that he gained

You doubted him, and spread their lies
Across the world, with sword in hand
You raped our souls, and stole our right
All for the words of mild-mannered man

You listened to mild-mannered god
And put your faith in deceitful words
Your powertrip was paid by blood
In kidness' name you spilled our blood

I refuse to submit
To the god you say is kind
I know what's right, and it is time
It's time to fight, and free our minds

Let me die without fear!
As I have lived without it
So shut your mouth and spare my ears
I'm fed up with all your bullshit

After a thousand years of opression
Let the berserks rise again
Let the world hear these words once more:
"Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Northmen"

Our spritis were forged in snow and ice
To bend like steel forged over fire
We were not made to bend like reed
Or turn the other cheek

He grasped the runes, they're ours to use
Gummi, rot, dicker - Holz, nicht zu schnell und nicht zu langsam - Gummi, schwarz, dünner
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Alt 24.03.2006, 13:54
der_RenTneR der_RenTneR ist offline
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

also hier mal ein lied, das etwas kontroverse auslösen kann...

Mclusky - lightsabre cocksucking blues

eat what you are while you're falling apart
a nd it opened a can of worms
the gun's in my hand and I know it looks bad
but believe me I'm innocent
i'm fearful I'm fearful I'm fearful of flying
and flying is fearful of me
i covered my eyes when she told me the news
turning me on with my lightsabre cocksucking blues

are you coming?

nicotine stained on account of her crutch
and I'm aching from fucking too much
i know what I do but it all comes to you
did you sell me to wanderlust?
i'm fearful I'm fearful I'm fearful of flying
and flying is fearful of me
i covered my eyes when she told me the news
turning me on with my lightsabre cocksucking blues

are you coming?


als zweites möchte ich hier einen den coolsten und mir liebsten songs der letzten zeit
anbringen. wer das lied kennt, will wirklich nie wieder früh aufstehen.....

Jack Johnson - banana pancakes

Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside

But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you
this song It's meant to keep you
From doin' what you're supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
I'll make you banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now

And we could pretend it all the time
Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside

But just maybe, hala ka ukulele
Mama made a baby
I really don't mind the practice
Because you're my little lady
Lady, lady love me

Because I love to lay here lazy
We could close the curtains

Pretend like there's no world outside
And we could pretend that all the time
Can't you see that it's just raining
There ain't no need to go outside

Ain't no need, ain't no need
Can't you see, can't you see

Rain all day and I don't mind

The telephone singing, ringing, it's too early
Don't pick it up
We don't need to
We got everything we need right here
And everything we need is enough
It's just so easy
When the whole world fits inside of your arms

Do we really need to pay attention to the alarm
Wake up slow, wake up slow

But baby, you hardly even notice
When I try to show you this song
It's meant to keep you
From doin' what your supposed to
Like wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in

I'll make you banana pancakes

Pretend like it's the weekend now
And we could pretend it all the time
Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside

Ain't no need, ain't no need
Rain all day and I really, really, really don't mind
Can't you see, can't you see

We've got to wake up slow
TTC olé
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Alt 30.03.2006, 16:00
Noppen-hasser Noppen-hasser ist offline
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stocksauer AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

auch mal ein tolles lied

Du bist mein Sonnenlicht - Grup Tekkan

Baby, du bist die, von der ich immer geträumt hab,
Deine Lippen schmecken mir wie Eis an einem hitzigen Sonntag,
Hör gut zu, weil ich dir sag, dass du die Welt für mich bist,
Wenn du nicht mehr hier bist, dann hält mich hier nichts.

Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick,
Dein Respekt ist für mich so groß unersetzlich,
Wir liefen Hand in Hand
Am großen Meeresstrand.

Girl, du bist die, die ich brauch und begehre,
Neben dir fühl ich mich, als wenn ich nichts wäre,
Und wenn du jetzt glaubst, das alles hieße nichts,
Dann hast du falsch geglaubt, denn Girl ich liebe dich.

Wo bist du, mein Sonnenlicht?
Ich suche dich und vermisse dich.
Ich respektier nuuur dich,
Damit du's weißt: Ich liebe dich.

Ich vermisse deinen Atem,
der mich zart berührt, der mein Herz verführt.
Ganz egal, was auch passiert,
Ich hol dir den Himmel mit Sternenstaub glasiert.

Bis ans Ende vom Regenbogen,
werde das Glück von den Engeln holen.
Ich kann ohne dich nicht sein,
Wir müssen uns wieder verein'n.

(Es folgt 4 x der Refrain: "Wo bist du, mein Sonnenlicht?...")
Baby, wo bist du? Du bist mein Sonnenlicht.
Ich suche dich und vermisse dich, Baby.
Schatz, ich respektier nur dich.
Damit du's weißt: Ich liebe dich, Baby.
Ich liiiebe dich.
Bier macht dick, schnaps macht krank, ich bin Kiffer Gott sei dank
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Alt 30.03.2006, 16:19
Sriver Killer Sriver Killer ist offline
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
And when she gets there she knows if the stores are closed
With a word she can get what she came for

Woe oh oh oh oh oh
And she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
And you know sometimes words have two meanings
In the tree by the brook there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven

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Alt 04.04.2006, 21:43
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

placebo- follow the cops back home

The call to arms was never true,
Time to imbibe, here's to you,
I'll tell you stories bruised and blue,
Drum machines and landslides.

Just one more round before we're through,
More psychedelic yuppie flu,
It's such a silly thing to do,
Now we're stuck on rewind..

Let's follow the cops back home,
Follow the cops back home,
Let's follow the cops back home,
And rob their houses.

The call to arms was never true,
Let's take a ride and push it through,
Suspended animation in blue,
Blame it on apartheid,

Let's spend the night in Jimmy's shoes,
I'll give you coats and cheap shampoo,
I'll give you nothing else to do,
Now we're stuck on rewind..

Let's follow the cops back home,
Follow the cops back home,
Let's follow the cops back home,
And Rob their houses..

Let's follow the cops back home
Follow the cops back home
Let's follow the cops back home
And rob their houses..

The call to arms was never true,
I'm medicated..how are you?
Let's take a dive swim right through,
Sophisticated point of view.

Let's follow the cops back home
Follow the cops back home
Let's follow the cops back home
And Rob their houses..

Let's follow the cops back home
Follow the cops back home
Let's follow the cops back home
And rob their houses..
Der Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis ist in der Praxis grösser als in der Theorie.
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Alt 06.04.2006, 23:40
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

Helmet - Speechless

Indecisive and deaf or dumb
Tongue-dried in the sun
Nervous speech and your mental health
Drunk on every detail

Loosened up from the moral slide
As though there´s nothing to hide
It corresponds with your secret view
And never weighs upon you

I´d blame someone but I´ve got you
Like every day that bores me
Sleep fine at night and
wake up to my early speechless morning

I´d blame someone but I´ve got you

It works like crime, adjust your view
Waste your time improving
She´s cut so well and lifelike too
You´ll bleed to death before me
Wer die Suche benutzt, ist nur zu faul einen neuen Thread zu eröffnen.
Tibhar Aurus/Avalox J-Power/Andro Hexer Duro
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Alt 07.04.2006, 11:21
Sriver Killer Sriver Killer ist offline
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

Every breathe you take- The Police

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you

Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you

Since you’ve gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it’s you I can’t replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby, please...

Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every breath you take

Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you

Every move you make
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you

I’ll be watching you
I’ll be watching you
I’ll be watching you
I’ll be watching you...
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Alt 07.04.2006, 13:21
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AW: Your favourite song Lyrics

NoFX - Jaw, Knee, Music

Johnny has a problem
Johnny is out of control
He had a TV party
With the kids in the black hole
Stealing people's mail
And lynching the landlord
Things to do when angry, young and bored

Johnny was only a lad
Johnny hates the scene
First he hit an old man
Then he hit and run Pauline
The record player spinning the best times
I never had
So why do my old records make me sad?

Cause they're so bad
And no one seems to understand
The glory of guitar
When out of tune
The off timing
The singers who can't sing
The beauty of flaw

He's a teenage vegetable
This is the last resort
He's got PCP in his veins
He lives inside a quart
Johnny is a punk rocker
Johnny is he queer?
Johnny needed two bags
And a car to commandeer
Johnny wasn't liked much
But he had a lot of friends
Waits on stage
Eating ludes
A mindless brainwashed pig
Johnny was a good man
Till the day that he got shot
He had a jacked up chevy
That could blow you off the spot

Johnny always needs
More than he takes
Forgets a couple chords
Forgets a couple breaks
Johnny says he's bound
By only six strings to this world
Johnny questions sellout bands
And Johnny pux0rz Ritilin
And Johnny is an angry amputeen
Geh mich aus´m Weg oder ich schneid Dir durch.
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