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Alt 01.02.2023, 14:31
Magick_Stick Magick_Stick ist offline
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OSP Palatinus Martin AC (schnellere Virtuoso Version)



OSP Palatinus Martin AC (schnellere Virtuoso Version) in geradem Griff SQST, Schlägergröße S, 88,3g. Zustand 1-2.

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Alt 01.03.2023, 15:49
Magick_Stick Magick_Stick ist offline
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OSP Palatinus Martin AC (Upgrade Virtuoso)

Zu verkaufen ist ein:

OSP Palatinus Martin AC (schnellere Virtuoso Version) in geradem Griff SQST, Schlägergröße S, 88,3g.Zustand 1-2. Keine Schäden oder Kantentreffer. Top handgemacht verarbeitet. Beste Qualität.


We created a fast offensive table tennis blade with Aramid-Carbon layer right under the surface to give a boost to the top ply, but we still avoid losing the wooden feeling. In OSP Martin AC we combined the speed, sweet spot, direct touch and for sure power with a modern offensive wood.

This blade is for players who sticked to the wooden offensive blades but needed faster and stiffer blade but does not prefer the stark composite-like feeling. The Martin AC is the successor of Martin CRW – that is discontinued. We did not simply replace the CRW carbon to Aramid-Carbon layer, but we created the top-boost structure that means we moved the AC ply next to the top ply to boost it. Unlike the inner technologies that we used in Virtuoso AC top-boost provides extra power and sweet spot that creates stiffer blade but at the same time we did our best to maintain the feeling of a wooden blade instead of empty glass-like ball feedback."

With this build we established a fast but still controllable offensive blade. Although we succeeded to push the two behaviour into one blade it is still a dangerous weapon that needs high skills to handle well and use effectively. If you train regularly and play modern offensive game Martin AC will be your best choice.

It took 8 years to find the solution to implement carbon into our legacy process. In 2017 we branched out 3 types of carbon structure to make unique carbon blades
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Alt 11.05.2023, 09:41
oliver oliver ist gerade online
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AW: OSP Palatinus Martin AC (Upgrade Virtuoso)

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Alt 31.01.2024, 08:31
Coppax Coppax ist offline
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AW: OSP Palatinus Martin AC SQST

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