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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Which European can broke the power of the Asians?
Timo Boll (Germany) 34 69,39%
Michael Maze (Denmark) 1 2,04%
Magnus Molin (Sweden) 0 0%
Vladimir Samsonov (Belarus) 2 4,08%
Daniel Zwickl (Hungary) 0 0%
Christian Süß (Germany) 4 8,16%
Werner Schlager (Austria) 5 10,20%
Constantin Cioti (Rumania) 0 0%
Daniel Quentel (France) 0 0%
Eric Varin (France) 0 0%
an other player 3 6,12%
Teilnehmer: 49. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 30.07.2002, 12:43
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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I think Timo Boll is the player who can broke the power of the Asian Player. But Timo Boll need some time for this wonder!
Waldner is to old for this "job" and Timo Boll is his successor!

Why are the Asians Player so strong?
Why is the the young generation of Asians better as the young generation of Europeans?

Are ours furtherances to badly?

Who can me give an answer?

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Alt 30.07.2002, 20:23
Sascha Eichmann Sascha Eichmann ist offline
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I think, Wladimir Samsonov has got the best chances of all the european players to break the asian phalanx.
Especially the new service rule will help Samsonov walking through more effectiv and seccelssfully than before, because his past services have not been as hidden as those from Boll, Maze an so on. The change fpr Samsonov is not that worse as it is for the most of the other top players all over the world.
Nevertheless: in a few years there won´t be as many european topplayers as now; the whole circumstances in the rest of the world, especially china, are quite better then they are here.
Gänzlich frei von Signaturen...
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Alt 31.07.2002, 02:44
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@ Jörg


From my point of few the Asians are better because in Asia they have an other mentality concerning table tennis than here!

There you can earn much more money with playing table tennis.
So the famlilies want their kids to practice a lot, hoping they will be successfull.
If it works, the whole family need not to worry about money any longer.
Therefore they practice harder and more!
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Alt 31.07.2002, 12:31
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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Re: @ Jörg

Originally posted by Unregistered

From my point of few the Asians are better because in Asia they have an other mentality concerning table tennis than here!

There you can earn much more money with playing table tennis.
So the famlilies want their kids to practice a lot, hoping they will be successfull.
If it works, the whole family need not to worry about money any longer.
Therefore they practice harder and more!

I agree with or statement! You can earn money in Asian much better. Table tennis is in Asian more popular as in Europe!
And in Europe is football more popular as in Asian.

What can we do, that table tennis in Europe becomes much popular?

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Alt 03.08.2002, 00:17
TT Voodoo TT Voodoo ist offline
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Re: Re: @ Jörg

Originally posted by Jörg


I agree with or statement! You can earn money in Asian much better. Table tennis is in Asian more popular as in Europe!
And in Europe is football more popular as in Asian.

What can we do, that table tennis in Europe becomes much popular?

I think the secret is much more simple: they are exceed in number. Thus it is easy for them to choose the best players. Did you know that there are 10.000.000 authorized players in only China?

For the topic: What about Kalinikos Kreanga?
TT Voodoo
*** Everything is relativE ***
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Alt 03.08.2002, 10:09
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Re: Re: Re: @ Jörg

Originally posted by TT Voodoo

I think the secret is much more simple: they are exceed in number. Thus it is easy for them to choose the best players. Did you know that there are 10.000.000 authorized players in only China?

For the topic: What about Kalinikos Kreanga?
I don't think that Kreanga will be able to break the Asians' power. He is about thirty and will only have two or three "good" years, i.e. that he will confirm his postion (about rank 15) in the world ranking and his successes in international events. But he is not the player who will break the Asians' power.
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Alt 16.08.2002, 16:21
Martina Seib Martina Seib ist offline
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In my opinion, Timo boll is the man to defeat the "yellow faces"
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Alt 20.08.2002, 15:29
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@ TT-Vodoo

I mean, which young players under 30 years could beat the Asians.
Otherwise anyone can write Walnder.
"Reality continues ruining my life!"
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Alt 21.08.2002, 21:43
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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Originally posted by Martina Seib
"yellow faces"
Well, quite a strange type to describe people without rating them, isn't it?
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Alt 08.09.2002, 14:58
Blondi Blondi ist offline
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I think if anyone can do it it's Timo Boll... or MAYBE Christian Süß
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