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Alt 03.12.2008, 10:48
mago mago ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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1. Yes, I think older players can learn new things.
Thanks, Adham....they want only play with frictionless LP...for this player this is FUN..nobody ask you..."Please, erase the Fl LP", nobody want "improve" or "modify" the backand......adham...i'am shure you understand....you force the players to "modify"...they aren't happy...........

win or lose it does not matter because you play for fun.
Ehhhhhhhhhh...you make a "Witz"...isn't...?
Fun is also to win..........please....adham..

4. Yes, I agree, Jonyer and Klampar made a great show. Unfortunately it is Klampar that brought the speed glue to Table Tennis. he is the first top player to use TipTop glue and the rest is history.
Yes...i know the history.-..but a lot of people maybe want know...why you leave 25 years this glue...that make tabletennis & health Kaputt...why ?

Thanks for your answer...this is the third time i ask you about "WHY GLUE"....

## bold formatting removed, TSC ##

Geändert von TSC (03.12.2008 um 11:55 Uhr)
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Alt 03.12.2008, 12:01
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Yes...i know the history.-..but a lot of people maybe want know...why you leave 25 years this glue...that make tabletennis & health Kaputt...why ?

Thanks for your answer...this is the third time i ask you about "WHY GLUE"....

We're flogging a dead horse with the frictionless pimple thing. It has been discussed endlessly and Mr. Sharara has already noticed the disagreements and dissatisfactions from some members/players. Now give it a rest, please.
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."

Geändert von TSC (03.12.2008 um 12:08 Uhr)
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Alt 03.12.2008, 14:58
TT Jüngling TT Jüngling ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Hi Adham i've got one question: Are all the cleaners forbidden? Because my coach said that an I'm not sure abut that
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Alt 04.12.2008, 02:23
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adham adham ist offline
Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Hi Adham i've got one question: Are all the cleaners forbidden? Because my coach said that an I'm not sure abut that
Cleaners are not forbidden unless they alter the characteristics of the rubber. However, at the ITTF level events, we ask the players not to use cleaners and preferably use water. The reason is that some players after using cleaners have failed the racket control tests. This is probably because the cleaners have some VOCs or some rapidly evaporating agents that cause the testing equipment to detect and signal a failed racket. Actually I always recommended to my players to use water instead. Also some alcohol based cleaners may have the tendency to dry up the rubber surface (you will see some very fine cracks). But if you do want to use a cleaner, make sure it does not contain any VOCs and let the racket air sufficiently.
International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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Alt 04.12.2008, 03:44
Benutzerbild von Mighty
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Hi Adham

You wrote in this forum:

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...The friction level is checked at the Racket Control room at ITTF events. ...
What kind of device is used at the Racket Control room at ITTF events to check the friction level?
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Alt 04.12.2008, 14:32
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Please send me an e-mail to ittf@ittf.com addressed to me with your name and contact information as well as the name of the other 5 racket controllers.
Thank you very much for your strongly positive response ! I'll be happy to come back to you, as requested above, within the next couple of days.
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Alt 04.12.2008, 15:52
Benutzerbild von adham
adham adham ist offline
Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Hi Adham

You wrote in this forum:

What kind of device is used at the Racket Control room at ITTF events to check the friction level?
Normally, if the rubber used has the ITTF logo and appears on the list of authorized rubbers then it is accepted. However, if it appears to have been treated, then the racket controller has a sample of 3 friction levels and compares, if it is OK, or close, then no problem, if there is still doubt, then they use a mechanical test with an incline. But frankly, this very rarely happens at ITTF events because there are no treated pimpled rubbers. It may happen once in a rare while. In general we rely on the testing in the laboratory to ensure that the rubber meets the friction requirement, then we expect that the manufacturer adheres to the ITTF rules, and we expect the players also to adhere to the ITTF rules and not post-treat the rubber.
International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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Alt 04.12.2008, 15:54
Benutzerbild von adham
adham adham ist offline
Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Thank you very much for your strongly positive response ! I'll be happy to come back to you, as requested above, within the next couple of days.
Please do, and then I will coordinate with the DTTB and our Equipment Committee.

International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)
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Alt 05.12.2008, 01:13
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Mighty Mighty ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Hi Adham

In tennis and in badminton it is technically possible, to make a racket with two different sides. But such tricks are not allowed there. Our close relatives hardbat players have this rule: "If two sides of the blade are playing surfaces, then it is prohibited to use different Racket Coverings on the playing surfaces". They must use identical racket covering on both sides.

Why is it possible in table tennis, to embarrass the opponent with two different racket coverings? To me, it is not less unfair, as "finger service" or "hidden service".

Do ITTF consider to change the rules in the direction, that only using the same rubber on both sides of the racket were allowed?
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Alt 05.12.2008, 02:11
Benutzerbild von adham
adham adham ist offline
Adham Sharara | ITTF President
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AW: Hello from ITTF President


No, there is no such proposal at the moment and we are not considering it because no one has proposed it yet. But as you know, in TT each side has a different colour so that the opponent can recognize the effects of each side.

International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF)

Geändert von TSC (06.12.2008 um 18:06 Uhr)
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