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Stammtisch Hier könnt Ihr über "Gott und die Welt", Politik, Fernsehen, Bücher, Musik und alles was Euch sonst interessiert diskutieren. Plaudern in lockerer Atmosphäre ;-)

Alt 16.08.2009, 06:07
Benutzerbild von stefan.s
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

Sinead 'O Connor: Don't Cry For Me (Argentina)
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Alt 16.08.2009, 08:52
Lustigforever Lustigforever ist offline
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

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Alt 16.08.2009, 09:58
Lustigforever Lustigforever ist offline
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

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Alt 16.08.2009, 10:00
Florry Florry ist offline
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

Children Of Bodom - If You Want Peace...Prepare For War
Gummi, rot, dicker - Holz, nicht zu schnell und nicht zu langsam - Gummi, schwarz, dünner
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Alt 16.08.2009, 10:10
Benutzerbild von Obachecka
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

U2 - Stay
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Alt 16.08.2009, 10:52
Benutzerbild von tarantino
tarantino tarantino ist offline
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

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Alt 16.08.2009, 11:11
Benutzerbild von Obachecka
Obachecka Obachecka ist offline
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

Oasis - Don't Go Away
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Alt 16.08.2009, 11:38
Benutzerbild von Wohlfühlbacher
Wohlfühlbacher Wohlfühlbacher ist offline
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

Geh, scheiß di ned ooh...
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Alt 16.08.2009, 12:51
Benutzerbild von Obachecka
Obachecka Obachecka ist offline
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AW: Was hört ihr für Musik (03/2008 - ?)

Lemon Demon - Bad Idea
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Alt 16.08.2009, 14:10
Benutzerbild von tarantino
tarantino tarantino ist offline
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sind wir nicht alle ein bisschen street cafè

Icehouse - Street Cafè


if there were no tomorrows
if there was just one more chance
I'd take it again
you know I'd take it again
you turn and it's gone forever
in time you forget
you know that's love
it's only love

and no matter where the days have left you
every day ends at the street cafe
the street cafe
and no matter where the road may take you
every time it brings you back to the street cafe
it's where you have to be

well the people may come and go but
here the street and the scene is just
the way that it was
the way that it was
no nothing will ever change here
maybe a smile reminds you
now and again
you wonder now and again

when another night will take you nowhere
you go down to the street cafe
and any time you know the crowd can hide you
the days end at the street cafe
yeah the street cafe

you turn and it's gone forever
in time you forget
you know that's love
you know it's only love

but no matter where the days have left you
every day ends at the street cafe
the street cafe
and no matter where the road may take you
every time it brings you back to the street cafe
yeah the street cafe

oh no no no
no matter where the road may take you
we'll meet again someday
you know we'll meet someday
someday at the street cafe
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