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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Which is the most popular brand name in your country? | |||
Donic | 40 | 14,81% | |
Stiga | 9 | 3,33% | |
Andro | 28 | 10,37% | |
Gewo | 3 | 1,11% | |
Butterfly | 154 | 57,04% | |
Tibhar | 14 | 5,19% | |
Joola | 13 | 4,81% | |
TSP | 1 | 0,37% | |
other... | 8 | 2,96% | |
Teilnehmer: 270. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen |
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
The Answer to this question needs to brand names, at blades i think Stiga ist most popular, at rubbers i think it´s butterfly.
There are to many areas in germany, in wich the brands are changing their standing, but in hole germany it could be sure, that Butterfly and Stiga are the most popular brands. Donic, Andro, Joola, Tibhar are also popular, not very succesfull are brands like TSP, Nittaku, BANDA and so on.
Holz: Nittaku Barwell Fleet FL, VH: DHS Skyline 3-60 2,1 schwarz, RH: Victas V>01 Stiff 2,0 rot |
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
I think Butterfly,
but Andro is also very popular |
AW: Re: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
Butterfly plays the best table-tennis Players like Timo Boll, Michael Maze or Kalinikos Kreanga it´s also the most popularst Brand Name but i think Andro is the best brand name they have very good High-Tension Rubbers and something like that...
Gruß Benni |
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
Young player in my league often use Donic rackets. My favourite brands are andro (because of the blades ) and Tibhar. Most of the adults in my club use andro or Butterfly equipment. I wonder why the Nimbus Sound is so popular (but sorry, off-topic)
Holz: Tibhar Illusion Killer VH: FS Higher I 2.0 RH: FS GeoSpin Tacky 2.0 |
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
Frankly, I do not know since I don't have any data on that. But I would assume that Chinese brands do have a large share here in the States. Other than that, the usual suspects, i. e. Butterfly, Stiga, etc. The German brands, for obvious reasons, are not that popular here.
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
I guess BTY is the most popular brand name in Germany.
Die Unsicherheit in meinem Tischtennispiel beträgt 2 Millimeter! |
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
Probably, supposedly.
Also, I think "Killerspin" put down its foot over the past few years here in the States. And, just recently, I happened to meet quite a bunch of folks using "Spintech" (or Spin-Tech, i dunno). |
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
Oh, hier kann man mit Englischkenntnissen angeben. Toll. Ich versuchs:
Äääähm, many years ago, even I didn´t be a member of a tabletennis club and didn´t have much experiance in this sport the name Joola had been usually known by the most of our little guys even few years before (12 years old). I think Donic also.
VH: Evolution MX-D 2.1 // RH: Evolution MX-D 2.1 // Holz: Adidas Fibertec Classic, 81g Geändert von Spin Jim (04.08.2008 um 15:30 Uhr) |
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
and most of them played stiga, and some butterfly, but I saw nobody with donic
"Wenn man über jemanden die Wahrheit erfahren will, ist dieser jemand meiner Erfahrung nach der letzte, den ich fragen würde." Dr. House
AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?
In my opinion Joola is the most popular brand name in Germany.
http://www.100schalkerjahre.de/index.php |
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