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Alt 09.05.2003, 16:23
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pelirroja pelirroja ist offline
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@ DerMitDemBallTanzt:
Working in Madrid...wow! It must have been very interesting!
No, I don't speak Spanish fluently. You know, I just started learning Spanish last year.
Last summer I spent my holidays in Spain, too (most of the time there in Marbella). I liked this language because it sounds very nice and that's why I wanted to learn it!
Auch die längste Reise beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt. (Laotse)

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Alt 10.05.2003, 22:39
DerMitDemBallTanzt DerMitDemBallTanzt ist offline
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Original geschrieben von pelirroja
Working in Madrid...wow! It must have been very interesting!
Yes, it was!
Of all european capitals I know, Madrid is my favorite city, followed by London (sounds like another thread: "which european city do you like best?"). If it was situated at the seaside it would be perfect.

Apart from nice things like Tapas, Vino and Sherry, I like the way of life (really starting late in the evening) and, as you do, the language.
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Alt 11.05.2003, 13:03
Benutzerbild von pelirroja
pelirroja pelirroja ist offline
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Original geschrieben von DerMitDemBallTanzt
Yes, it was!
Of all european capitals I know, Madrid is my favorite city, followed by London (sounds like another thread: "which european city do you like best?"). If it was situated at the seaside it would be perfect.

Apart from nice things like Tapas, Vino and Sherry, I like the way of life (really starting late in the evening) and, as you do, the language.
Unfortunately I've never been to Madrid. But it's at the moment the topic of our Spanish lessons. Madrid really seems to be a very interesting and nice city!
Honestly said, I've been to a european capital only once in my life. Two years ago I went with a friend to Athens. I liked this city very very much !

Why don't you start such kind of thread??? I think it's a good idea !
Auch die längste Reise beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt. (Laotse)

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Alt 25.05.2003, 15:58
Paolo / Italy
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Any other people from Italy here?
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Alt 30.12.2003, 15:16
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
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Re: Foreign languages...

Zitat von Paolo / Italy
Any other people from Italy here?
Ciao Paolo,

there are several; only in "my" table tennis clubs ASV Süchteln there are three. In addition there are two turkish and one is from Greece.
Don't know if there are also players from other countries in this club.

But for sure there are quite some of the members of the TT-News community I guess.

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Alt 30.12.2003, 20:34
Benutzerbild von pelirroja
pelirroja pelirroja ist offline
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Re: Foreign languages...

Zitat von Paolo / Italy
Any other people from Italy here?
Comincio imparare italiano !

Well, I just started learning Italian! But until now I just can say a few things !
Auch die längste Reise beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt. (Laotse)

Wir sind Hude!
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Alt 30.12.2003, 21:27
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: Foreign languages...

Zitat von pelirroja
Comincio imparare italiano !

Well, I just started learning Italian! But until now I just can say a few things !

...but it sounds so nice...

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Alt 03.07.2007, 18:15
Against All Odds Against All Odds ist offline
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AW: Foreign languages...

Zitat von Morpheus_2nd Beitrag anzeigen
The last answer was posted centuries ago and I've decided to change that miserable situation:
I speak French and English rather well, I've already begun to forget Latin, but I've started learning Spanish which seems to be easier than French.
Of course, I'd like to speak more languages, but I haven't got the time (school, work and evening school [for Spanish])
Mkay, I've posted, what about you?

... sorry, but I've to disappoint you: French is way easier than Spanish!!!!).
b.t.w.: Why are we always writing in English if there are so many who can speak other languages?!?
"It is not down in any map; true places never are." (Melville)
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Alt 03.07.2007, 19:32
hermano hermano ist offline
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AW: Foreign languages...

Zitat von KathiStrauch Beitrag anzeigen
... sorry, but I've to disappoint you: French is way easier than Spanish!!!!).
b.t.w.: Why are we always writing in English if there are so many who can speak other languages?!?
Probably because there are way more people who know English than any other foreign language (at least in Germany)?

I think the perception of how difficult a language is to learn is largely subjective. I know some people who had much less problems with Spanish than with French. I cannot tell on my own since my knowledge of Spanish is very little. I also know that English is ususally considered very easy at the beginning, but it can become really complicated at higher levels.
But one thing I am really glad about is that I do not have to study German as a foreign language ...
Zu viel Beinarbeit birgt nur Verletzungsrisiken.
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Alt 04.07.2007, 17:55
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Foreign languages...

Zitat von hermano Beitrag anzeigen
But one thing I am really glad about is that I do not have to study German as a foreign language ...
True, that would be a though cookie, indeed.
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