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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Which European can broke the power of the Asians?
Timo Boll (Germany) 34 69,39%
Michael Maze (Denmark) 1 2,04%
Magnus Molin (Sweden) 0 0%
Vladimir Samsonov (Belarus) 2 4,08%
Daniel Zwickl (Hungary) 0 0%
Christian Süß (Germany) 4 8,16%
Werner Schlager (Austria) 5 10,20%
Constantin Cioti (Rumania) 0 0%
Daniel Quentel (France) 0 0%
Eric Varin (France) 0 0%
an other player 3 6,12%
Teilnehmer: 49. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 08.09.2002, 15:04
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Originally posted by Blondi
I think if anyone can do it it's Timo Boll... or MAYBE Christian Süß
100% agree!!!
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Alt 10.09.2002, 18:16
Blondi Blondi ist offline
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Thanks a lot ;-)
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Alt 24.09.2002, 10:58
Zertrümmerer Zertrümmerer ist offline
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Beatin' up chinese predominance, by whom...

interesting...does anyone threading herein followed up which player REALLY destroyed continously the chinese predominance over the last years?

If so, the only answer can be Werner Schlager/AUT. Of course this player does not fit into the german national feeling and expectations.

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Alt 25.09.2002, 11:59
User 2969 User 2969 ist offline
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@ Zertrümmerer..

Hey, this sounds pretty agressive, oooh, sorry, I just saw where you are from. Well, honestly, maybe, you were right, he did a great job in the last few years, so, ..

I agree!
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Alt 05.10.2002, 10:51
DADS DADS ist offline
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European player to kick Asian ass?

I think it will take a few more years before Europeans kick Asians on the head.

China, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong are powerhouses with very deep benches.

On the other hand, take a look at the European teams. Except for Sweden, the likes of Belarus, Germany, Denmark, Greece, and France have only about one or two players who may be considered even remotely dangerous.
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Alt 19.10.2002, 19:15
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If the europeans don`t change their training and the way, how to find talents, they will never become better.
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Alt 04.11.2002, 20:32
WirbelWind WirbelWind ist offline
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Jinan showed how much Boll can do. Maybe he can more??? He won against the best players of the world (Wang...). To my mind Boll broke the dominance of Asia. Now Asia has to react...

Please excuse my mistakes. I'm a pupil und PISA showed much much we can... .
Übung macht den Meister.
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Alt 04.11.2002, 21:36
James_for_Germany James_for_Germany ist offline
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Take a look at the World Cup...
Never Forget Where you Come From!

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Alt 19.11.2002, 12:02
User 2969 User 2969 ist offline
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An idea??


Well, even if you seem to be right concerning some aspects, I am curious, anyways,.. What would you suggest to do so?! I am just asking because, hopefully, you don't expect us to follow the asian model of looking for four year olds, (just not being toddlers anymore) who have to give their childhood away just for the satisfaction of some weird parents or coaches who need them for their own success... ( I don't want to say that it is generally this way, but...well, everyone has his own brain..

Would you concretise your opininon please

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Alt 25.11.2002, 11:13
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We've got some answers to Tansincos' question now, haven't we!?
First of all, Staindmaus is right. The question should be: Who'll be NEXT - after Samsonov, Schlager, and especially Boll?

But the other names in Tansincos' list are not bad either.
Well, some are missing, of course - like Crisan, Lundquist, the 2 Monteiros, Kosowski, Gorak, and Kuzmin -, but
- Molin DID beat the World Champion, and
- I was wondering, too, but: he was not completely wrong with Varin, was he, albatross!? Eric at least beat Qin Zhijian.

@Tansi: How did you come to think of Quentel?

@Jörg: What are "furtherances"? Förderungen? :-)
But to your question "Why are the Asians Player so strong?":

First of all, don't forget: In men's tabletennis, only the Chinese are stronger than the Europeans, and only there tt is so much more popular. In Japan, for example it is not (at all).
So, always think about: Just like in Europe, countries in Asia are quite different from each other, too.
Therefore, what DAD writes about the European countries, partly is wrong and partly applies to Korea and Japan, too.

Then, I'd like to summarise and add some answers:
* Since there is a big tradition of table tennis AND they are such a huge population (more than 15 times the one of Germany or 150 times the one of Sweden!!),
- There are just many more players to choose from in China
- The interest in tt in general, it's popularity is much higher => more players can make (more) money with it = bigger incentive to become a professional player
- Because of that, plus because many Chinese have not AS many alternatives for their leisure time, plus because they do have the mentality to focus on ONE thing, they practice harder and more.
- There also is an even bigger mentality of looking for success - at all costs. So many parents do focus on that one thing, to make their children become good at something (see Staindmaus)

@Sascha: Why do you think that "in a few years there won´t be as many european topplayers as now"?
a) Don't generalise! The circumstances in "the rest of the world" are definitely not better than in Europe. In all of America, Africa, Oceania, and western Asia they are much worse, and in the east Asian countries except (the) China(s), only similar.
b) The circumstances in China (see above) have already been so much better in the past.

Geändert von Marcus, TTReisen (25.11.2002 um 11:16 Uhr)
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