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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Which is the most popular brand name in your country?
Donic 40 14,81%
Stiga 9 3,33%
Andro 28 10,37%
Gewo 3 1,11%
Butterfly 154 57,04%
Tibhar 14 5,19%
Joola 13 4,81%
TSP 1 0,37%
other... 8 2,96%
Teilnehmer: 270. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 04.08.2008, 16:08
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

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Oh, hier kann man mit Englischkenntnissen angeben. Toll. Ich versuchs:

Äääähm, many years ago, even I didn´t be a member of a tabletennis club and didn´t have much experiance in this sport the name Joola had been usually known by the most of our little guys even few years before (12 years old).

I think Donic also.
let me [try to] translate:

"Many years ago I wasn´t a member in a table-tennis club and I didn´t have much experience in this sport. The name Joola is usually well known by most of the 12 year old children (I guess in his club).

I think Donic is also common."

Hope I got the sense, but it´s really hard to understand.
@Spin Jim: Please try to use full-stops and commas.
Holz: Tibhar Illusion Killer VH: FS Higher I 2.0 RH: FS GeoSpin Tacky 2.0
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Alt 05.08.2008, 13:40
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

I remember an advertisement with timo boll at dsf or eurosport.
"butterfly - brand of the stars"
... and of most players in germany...(especially rubbers like butterfly's sriver or bryce)
furthermore, i think common brands of blades are andro, stiga, donic and butterfly.

"Wenn das Leben Dir eine Zitrone gibt, frag nach Salz und Tequila!"
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Alt 05.08.2008, 16:24
Lillen Lillen ist offline
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

I do not any longer believe what the commercials says. At several times, big Swedish players' names have been used to sell equipment from different brands at the same time. For example, quite some time ago, J-O Waldner's name was used on Stiga bats, even though he played Donic...

I wrote in this thread six years ago, and then Stiga was the most popular brand in Sweden. It still is. It's hard to even find other brands in stores. Of course one can easily order anything from web shops, but since most of the famous Swedish players play Stiga, not many seems to try other brands.
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Alt 05.08.2008, 16:52
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

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I do not any longer believe what the commercials says.
You definitely got a good point there. However, in general, I think we pay too much attention to what material is "supposedly" being used by the top players. A rubber or blade that perfectly fits a top athlete's needs does not necessarily translate to the requirements of a hobby-ponger.
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Alt 05.08.2008, 22:32
Lillen Lillen ist offline
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

Exactly. The only way to know if something fits you, is to try it out.

I now remember that before Peter Karlsson used Stiga Allround Classic WRB, later Allround CR, and a while ago I read that he used some new Clipper bat (which is supposed to be a lot faster). Sure, it's possible that he has gradually switched from being an allround player to being a more offensive one, but I think that that would be a big change to make for a player who belongs to the top players in the world (or maybe has belonged,- I don't keep track), so I doubt it.
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Alt 06.08.2008, 10:48
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

Germany: Schildkröt of course!
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Alt 06.08.2008, 13:32
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

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Germany: Schildkröt of course!
You gotta be kidding me??
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Alt 11.08.2008, 11:56
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

No, Schildkröt is a popular brand in germany! You wouldn't find it often in regular league matches, but they have a certain market with beginners and hobby players.
Same for 'Kettler' if it comes to outdoor tables.
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Alt 11.08.2008, 19:45
Lillen Lillen ist offline
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

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Germany: Schildkröt of course!
Didn't Schildkröt become Donic...?
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Alt 12.08.2008, 02:52
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

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Didn't Schildkröt become Donic...?
That's what I thought. A couple of decades back ago, Schildkroet was certainly quite popular - at least in association with casual ping-pong equiment. I frankly don't know whether or not they were also having a share in professional equipment. Yet, in Germany, everybody who's somewhat liaised with the sport, knows of the brand "Schildkroet".
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