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AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
Wäre optimal wenn der aircondle eine Verbesserung mit etwas mehr Katapult wäre. Kann jemand was dazu sagen. |
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
Folgenden Testbericht über den Aircondle habe ich in einem englischsprachigen TT-Forum entdeckt:
JUIC Air Condle review OK I finally got a chance to give this rubber a good workout. I glued it (normal glue) onto my Stiga Energy Wood, with a Roxon 500 on the other side for comparison. As I mentioned before, the sheet looks of very high quality, and is made in Japan (as marked on the rubber). Topsheet is non-tacky but feels very grippy. Sponge hardness is a few degrees softer compared to the Roxon 500, but perhaps a little harder compared to the roxon 450 (which I have not measured). JUIC Air Condle Red MAX From the first hit I immediately noticed this rubber has good glue feel/effect, much more than any Japanese made rubber I've tried, and similar to latest generation tensors. Glue feel was more than on the R500. I must admit this totally surprised me, since none of the other JUIC rubbers have this! This rubber is quite fast on loops, a step up from the R500... on a faster blade this would no doubt be much faster again. Loops produced a nice dip on the bounce...the arc and dip on the JUIC was lower and more than on the P500, but my opponent (who was chopping) did not notice a lot of difference in spin. The throw is at the high end of medium, as does depend a little on how hard you hit the ball, as is the case with most tensors. It is definitely less than something like Tenergy 05, but similar to the R500. Sound is fairly loud, louder than the R500, but not as loud as something like F3. The Energy Wood has quite a soft feel which generally mutes the sound a little, but the click on this rubber was plain obvious... Spin was decent but not exceptionally high... it seem quite high on slower loops, but not really high on fast loops, at the point where the power really kicked in. Don't get me wrong, it's still a spinny rubber, but I've seen spinnier ones. It felt very similar compared to the R500 in terms of spin. Blocking was real easy with the rubber, and it seemed quite insensitive to incoming spin. I found the same with the R500. Hitting is great, it's real fast and loud, and also seems quite unaffected by spin... Hits felt more crisp with the Air Condle compared to the R500, but I'm not sure if they were any faster... but they were plenty fast enough on both. Spin on serves was good for both rubbers, but not quite as good as my tacky Chinese rubbers... In the short game the Air Condle felt more springy compared to the R500...it needs a more positive stroke, but when you do it offer very good spin ability. Durability: The topsheet does not look fragile like many tensors do... it was definitely easier to cut as well, whereas Tensors often tear very easily. So as long as it maintains it's grip well, it will probably last quite a bit longer. Review by haggisv |
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
@ Nanospin
Danke für die Antwort. Hört sich nach Tensor mit etwas mehr griffigkeit an. @all Ein Händler hat mir mitgeteilt, dass die meisten Anbieter neben Tensorbelägen nächste Saison auch FKE Beläge japanischer Produktion anbieten werden. Wie die heißen und ob das mehr in Richtung Tenergy oder Stiga Boost geht weiß ich aber nicht. |
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
Klar doch, hab Dir eine PN geschickt.
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
die Angabe von 27° finde ich irgendwie etwas seltsam, aber okay... denke mal das stimmt so nicht.
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
ich hab mir mal nen aircondle schwarz 2.0mm bestellt, werde dann berichten wenn er da ist. eine andere Angabe die ich gefunden habe sagt 36° gemessen mit einem messgerät, das wäre als im Vergleich so Sriver FX Niveau.
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
@ jcd: Du meinst, dass Tibhar, Donic, usw. demnächst japanische FKE-Beläge rausbringen? Wär ja cool.
Weiss jemand was neues zum tibhar genius und primus?
Donic Ovtcharov Senso V1 / Xiom Vega Pro/ Xiom Sigma Europe Herren 4. Liga - Einzel: 11:1 (35:7), Doppel: 4:0 (12:1) |
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
so schnell kanns gehen, er ist schon da, aber ich kann ihn frühestens kommenden dienstag spielen.
AW: Nächste Belaggeneration 2009
und dann her mit dem testbericht
Das Geheimnis des Erfolges ist es, den anderen zu verstehen Eine neue Art von Denken ist notwendig, wenn die Menschheit weiterleben will. Wenn der Mensch so viel Vernunft hätte wie Verstand, wäre alles viel einfacher.
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