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Alt 07.05.2002, 22:13
Claudio Claudio ist offline
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I think this criterias you have writed, permits a person be one of the best players of the World. But to be the best during all this years you need something more.
You need to be naturally gifted.

Waldner was a little bit arrogant, but he have not told a lie.
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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:30
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Zitat von jpetrovs
I just read some statements from JO Waldner and there were two statements that caught my attention:

F: Who do you think is the best player in the history of the sport?
W: Me. I am partly joking, but also partly seriously. Table-tennis has a long history. There were great players and there are great players now. It is hard to say who is the best. But in Europe, I think I am the best.

F: Do you think you are a table-tennis genius?
W: Yes, I do have the natural talent. To be a top athlete, you have to be naturally gifted, or else you will never reach the peak. When I was small, I could beat players 4 or 5 years older than me. I always thought that I was talented.

Well what do you think is he arrogant or just very confident ?
He knew it, we knew it and he said it
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Alt 11.02.2006, 18:44
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Normaly I think Waldner isn't arrogant. But in some situations he was arrogant, for example at the Worldcup 2004 he didn't watch the Match between Schlager and Ryu. One of these players was his next opponent.
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot, mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht!
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Alt 21.02.2006, 10:46
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

JOW is selfconfident and his way of play in the 90´s made a devastating impression on his opponents. he often seemed careless or playing cat and mouse with his opponents. if this superiority is arrogance, then yes he is. or he is just a table-tennis genius, who could win a worldmastertitle without loosing a set.
Intelligenz läßt sich nicht am Weg, sondern nur am Ergebnis feststellen.
Gary Kasparov
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Alt 21.02.2006, 12:39
profispieler profispieler ist offline
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

well waldner indeed to be seem arrogant!of course he had so many victories so you have so much confident.but to arroganz it is not far.but if somebody can be arrogant it is waldner.because he ist the best player of all times!

Geändert von profispieler (21.02.2006 um 12:41 Uhr)
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Alt 22.02.2006, 19:05
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Zitat von jpetrovs
I just read some statements from JO Waldner and there were two statements that caught my attention:

F: Who do you think is the best player in the history of the sport?
W: Me. I am partly joking, but also partly seriously. Table-tennis has a long history. There were great players and there are great players now. It is hard to say who is the best. But in Europe, I think I am the best.

F: Do you think you are a table-tennis genius?
W: Yes, I do have the natural talent. To be a top athlete, you have to be naturally gifted, or else you will never reach the peak. When I was small, I could beat players 4 or 5 years older than me. I always thought that I was talented.

Well what do you think is he arrogant or just very confident ?

hm hmm.....
doesnt he tell the truth?
i knew players that are more arrogant and they arent,and wont ever be "table tennis geniuses"
inaktiv ...
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Alt 22.02.2006, 22:51
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

i think the question is a bit shitty. its totally ok to be cocky, if you are right. and waldner is right. nobody can say that he is not extremely gifted.just an example, he won a worldchampionchip without loosing even one single set.
or another question. was he ever really fit and quick or had a good insurance. compared to chinese players or timo boll he is and was fat, lazy, slow and had psycological problems. but he was still more sucessfull and sometimes he is still better.

if michael schumacher would say. hey im nearly a perfect driver. probably the best for all times. would it be cocky? yes. would it be wrong? no.

so i dont see the point.
born to lie and suffering from mythomania
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Alt 26.02.2006, 21:05
waldeanga waldeanga ist offline
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

in addition to thiloho!!!

i read an article, jow was in china to play for charity,after that all the cinese people wanted an autograph,he refused their wish and asked a seven year old girl who practised table-tennis....
and he asked her for an autograph,cause of the fact he was so impressed of her trim....

so he isntz arrogant

"wer den verstand einer billiardkugel hat,soll auch so aussehen" sprach Gott und schuf den skinhead
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Alt 05.03.2006, 17:53
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Zitat von profispieler
but if somebody can be arrogant it is waldner.because he ist the best player of all times!
That's right. Though he is the best off all times he isn't arrogant, and I think thats really good. I like his play and his character very much.
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot, mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht!
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Alt 06.03.2006, 13:58
Benutzerbild von V.B.TUS BA
V.B.TUS BA V.B.TUS BA ist offline
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

No i think Jan Ove isn´t arrogant, because he has a good character..I think he is a nice player. And he plays very good
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