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AW: Tibhar Evolution
Ich glaube nicht, dass dabei ein so wahnsinnig toller Belag bei rauskommen würden.
Die Naturkautschuk OGs von ESN, etwa bei Vega Pro, sind doch sehr griffig und auch haltbar. Die waren bei mir immer noch top in Schuss, als ich den Belag ausgetauscht habe. Der Schwamm hat einfach nach einiger Zeit deutlich nachgelassen, weshalb für mich ein Vega Pro maximal 6 Monate spielbar war. Welches OG aus Japan soll denn bitte soviel besser (haltbarer und griffiger) sein und warum? mfg tougel |
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Das Tenergy-05-OG.
Warum? Gute Frage, Mythos, Legendenbildung... ![]() |
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Tibhar Evolution MX-P
MX-P = Maxium Power Hardness: 45.7 - 47.7 (EUR Hardness) Thickness: 1.7mm, 1.9mm, 2.1mm (MAX) Sponge color: red Rubber: Natural Rubber Tibhar Evolution FX-P FX-P = Flexible Power Hardness: 39.1 - 41.1 (EUR Hardness) Sponge color: red Tibhar Evolution EL-P EL-P = Elastic Power Hardness: 42.4~44.4 (EUR Hardness) Sponge color: red Geändert von kenneth_lee (10.10.2012 um 13:16 Uhr) |
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Ist die EL-Version neu?
Zu den Härtegraden: fragen Profispieler überhaupt so weiche Beläge wie den FX nach? Wohl sehr selten nur... |
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Tibhar Evolution MX-P
Spin 10.5 (JPN) Speed 13.5 (JPN) Extra adhering PRO rubber surface, hard POWER sponge – maximum speed and extraordinary high spin potential This version confers the highest dynamic and thus makes MX-P the fastest rubber of the EVOLUTION rubber family. Thanks to the perfect adjustment of the pimple geometry we managed to produce a rubber with more flexibility conferring to attacking balls extra energy. Thanks to this specificity, MX-P is very well adapted to any player’s game, making no concession in terms of speed and spin. The ball/bat contact time of the MX-P is a little bit longer than the reference time, thus conferring much more sensation. Evolution MX-P: chosen by topspin players willing to feel the necessary pressure of their strokes at the table and at half distance. Tibhar Evolution EL-P Spin 10.5 Speed 13.0 Extra adhering PRO rubber surface, elastic MEDIUM sponge – high speed and extraordinary high spin potential Evolution EL-P is the most elastic rubber of the Evolution rubber series. EL-P with its medium sponge perfectly fits in between the harder MX-P or MX-S and the softer FX-P and thus completes the EVOLUTION series. The selected pimple geometry of the elastic EL-P does not even come close to the other Evolution versions in terms of Spin and speed. Very precise and powerful strokes can be realised at half distance or at the table. Evolution EL-P: chosen by most of the Topspin players for whom the MX version is too hard and the FX version too soft, however putting the emphasis on rotation and power! Tibhar Evolution FX-P Spin: 11 Speed: 12.5 Extra adhering PRO rubber surface, flexible SOFT sponge – medium speed and extraordinary high spin potential FX-P is the most flexible and soft version of the EVOLUTION rubber family. This rubber confers a lot of sensation and control in any playing situation. FX-P is a high-performing rubber proven by the enormous sound resulting from topspin strokes. The rubber surface is rich in spins and its soft sponge with high catapult effect gives the sufficient power necessary for a variable topspin game. The player who likes to attack near the table and is not willing to concede any ball while playing a risky game will be delighted by the fine tuning of the rubber surface with the soft sponge of the EVOLUTION FX-P. Evolution FX-P: chosen by our German National player and participant at the last Olympic Games, Kristin Silbereisen |
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Was mich nun etwas stutzig macht: wozu diese Werbeprosa, wenn der Belag nicht offiziell auf den Markt gebracht wird/werden soll?
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Vieleicht kommt er zur Rückrunde ja raus
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AW: Tibhar Evolution
was ist mit MX-S?
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Denke allerdings nach wie vor, dass das nicht so sein wird, denn sonst hätte das Marketing andere Schritte vorgenommen... |
AW: Tibhar Evolution
Vieleicht ne Sensation, die sie als: Überraschung rausbringen wollen
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Stichworte |
belaege, belag, belag holz kombinationen, belageigenschaften, el-p, evolution, fx-p, kontrolle, mx-p, schwammstärke, spin, spinnig, tibhar, tibhar evolution |
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Thema | Autor | Forum | Antworten | Letzter Beitrag |
Tibhar Holz Samsonov Pure Wood mit Tibhar Belag Evolution FX-P? | Mike777 | Belag- und Holzkombinationen Wettkampfbereich | 3 | 09.12.2014 23:38 |
Welcher Tibhar Evolution auf Tibhar Lucjan Blaszczyk Off- | Luke93 | Belag- und Holzkombinationen Wettkampfbereich | 10 | 15.06.2014 15:05 |
Yinhe T-11 Penholder mit Tibhar Aurus oder Tibhar Evolution FX-P oder Alternative? | togi | Belag- und Holzkombinationen Wettkampfbereich | 3 | 16.08.2013 07:21 |
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