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Alt 15.07.2010, 14:59
holgidick holgidick ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

Dann lag ich mit dem G3/G3FX nicht so verkehrt!
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Alt 15.07.2010, 17:48
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ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

I have played Tango since it's beginnings on BH and FH. But the last years I always had bubbles and cracks on my forehand. So I have started an intensive search for a replacement. Mind you on my backhand I still play Tango because I have never had problems with it on that side. I thinks this is because I do not use so much topspin and sidespin on my backhand. Here are my thoughts about last season:

G3-FX: I have played with it for about 20 min two months ago on the same racket as mine and I found it much softer than Tango. I would advice the G3 if your are thinking Butterfly, mind you I have never played with it. But if they stop to produce Tango tomorrow, I will go for the G3 as my first gamble for the backhand.

Tenergy 64: about the same feeling but i had major difficulties with the opening topspin, (high arced and soft openingsspin). VH-topspin was only good if I used more speed than spin. But that's not how I play. After 3 months I decided I had to save my season and swith to something different and hope for the best...

Sinus Alpha: I used this rubber quit succesfully, in december, but after 10 hours of play I started to have bubbles. The feeling and speed were OK, but the problems were the same as the Tango.

Genius: the rubber I have played since januari.
I needed some time to adjust, that for sure but the biggest advantage in the beginning was that I could play good high arced opening FH-topspins. The softness and feeling of the ball with the Genius is for me the same as Tango. The downside was that I had difficulties with soft topspin over topspin away from the table. I needed much time to adjust to this. The Genius also has the catapult-effect. So you need to stand correct behind the table (not straight up with your body) because the topspins are higharced and with a bit more speed. I would say like a fresh glued Tango but the effect lasts. You only must control the speed.

Later I found out more advantages of the Genius: first of all: just give the ball some topspin and it should come on the table (only mind your bodyposition or it's over the table if you stand to straight). A second advantage is the fact that you can make powertopspins and they will hit the table again and again. Now I don't need to play the soft topspin-over-topspin, I just force them back.

After 35 hours of play the first pimp came out. But this remained only 1 pimp for 2 to 3 weeks. Then came a second and yet one week later a third. But still after 40 hours the bubble was much smaller and there were no cracks.

So I wil start with the Genius next season on my forehand.
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Alt 15.07.2010, 18:17
holgidick holgidick ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

Thanks for the information!

I think that the tenergy is rather difficult to play, cause you have to move in the right way. So maybe I will try your other suggestions.
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Alt 15.07.2010, 19:27
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ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

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Thanks for the information!

I think that the tenergy is rather difficult to play, cause you have to move in the right way. So maybe I will try your other suggestions.
For me the Genius is, compared to the Tenergy 64, more consistent to open the rally with a slow topspin close to the table.

Remember you need a good stance; don't stand straight, bend your knees. But this is something what you always 'should' do.

Genius is faster than Tango but also gives you interresting options. Maybe the problem was that in januari my trainer died and I stopped with structual training. When I started again to train after two month's I found the Genius very interessting if you play more agressive and active after the opening.

The sinus alpha was also a good replacment but ...
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Alt 15.07.2010, 19:50
holgidick holgidick ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

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For me the Genius is, compared to the Tenergy 64, more consistent to open the rally with a slow topspin close to the table.

Remember you need a good stance; don't stand straight, bend your knees. But this is something what you always 'should' do.

Genius is faster than Tango but also gives you interresting options. Maybe the problem was that in januari my trainer died and I stopped with structual training. When I started again to train after two month's I found the Genius very interessting if you play more agressive and active after the opening.

The sinus alpha was also a good replacment but ...
Yes, with the Genius you have more options, the same rubber as the Baracuda I`ve played. I asked for the Tango cause my friend likes to change. He played the Tango 10 years ago, stopped trainee, at this time he starts again.
I had tested the Tenergy but is not mine. Now I play the vega pro and asia, maybe they are similar to the Tenergy, but easier to play, in relation to my age!
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Alt 16.07.2010, 05:53
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AW: Joola Tango

Naja, dann frage ich mich wieso er denn überhaupt umsteigen will. Hab mal auf der Joola HP geschaut und da hatten auch der Tango bzw. Tango extrem das neue Cover, was ja gegen ein Auslaufen dieser Produktionsreihe sprechen würde.
Leistung, Initiative, Verantwortung.
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Alt 16.07.2010, 10:36
holgidick holgidick ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

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Naja, dann frage ich mich wieso er denn überhaupt umsteigen will. Hab mal auf der Joola HP geschaut und da hatten auch der Tango bzw. Tango extrem das neue Cover, was ja gegen ein Auslaufen dieser Produktionsreihe sprechen würde.

Weil ihm in 2 Shops gesagt wurde, dass er ausläuft. Es gibt ihn im Netz auch nicht mehr überall zu kaufen. Und die Haltbarkeit (Blasen etc.) unter aller Kanone ist!
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Alt 16.07.2010, 14:22
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ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

I have also noticed the new logo and the lower price. But why make a new logo for something that you will stop to sell?

I have mailed to Joola just 3 weeks ago asking if they would stop making Tango. They answered that they will stop with Tango Def but would keep producing the other Tango's.
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Alt 17.07.2010, 13:03
holgidick holgidick ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

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I have also noticed the new logo and the lower price. But why make a new logo for something that you will stop to sell?

I have mailed to Joola just 3 weeks ago asking if they would stop making Tango. They answered that they will stop with Tango Def but would keep producing the other Tango's.
Thanks for the information, so we will see. As I have written above, many shops don`t sell the Tango and delete it from their pages. Don`t know why, asking some shops, they told me the Tango will be stopped. Maybe they don´t like to offer it, cause of the worse quality.
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Alt 20.07.2010, 06:20
holgidick holgidick ist offline
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AW: Joola Tango

Ist vielleicht noch jemand vom Tango umgestiegen?
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