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Alt 08.03.2003, 23:13
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Original geschrieben von difu
outsider, why are you training "without end"?
really good question... well I don´t know. maybe I´ll be training without end in some minutes....
die Homepage des TTC Birkenfeld:

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Alt 28.03.2003, 11:36
Der Schwinger Der Schwinger ist offline
Der einzig Wahre
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I`m eighteen.
Nächste Saison, wird MEINE werden. Versprochen!!!
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Alt 22.04.2003, 21:23
~ Miss Butterfly ~ ~ Miss Butterfly ~ ist offline
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well i juss gotta say i turned 21 this year .........
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Alt 14.05.2003, 09:56
Flachschupfer Flachschupfer ist offline
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Re: Re: Adult

Original geschrieben von Sascha Eichmann
But you can not be elected into the "Bundestag".
I can. I am 21 years old.
Excuse me, but I'm sure, you are not right. Look at this: BeingElected . Maybe you think about our "First Man" in the State ("Bundespräsident") ? You can only be elected for this position if you are 40 years old.
But maybe there is another reason why Bryceman cannot be elected for the parliament.

BTW, I get the 31 stage.
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Alt 14.05.2003, 12:13
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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Re: Re: Re: Adult

Original geschrieben von Flachschupfer
Maybe you think about our "First Man" in the State ("Bundespräsident") ? You can only be elected for this position if you are 40 years old.
Our Constitution (Grundgesetz) says in Art. 38 (2): Wahlberechtigt ist, wer das achtzehnte Lebensjahr vollendet hat; wählbar ist, wer das Alter erreicht hat, mit dem die Volljährigkeit eintritt.

So you can only be elected when you've attained full age.

Unfortunately I'm not sure which age the "full age" in Germany is, I always thought it would be 21 and not 18...
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Alt 14.05.2003, 13:34
Flachschupfer Flachschupfer ist offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Adult

Original geschrieben von Pinguin
Our Constitution (Grundgesetz) says in Art. 38 (2): Wahlberechtigt ist, wer das achtzehnte Lebensjahr vollendet hat; wählbar ist, wer das Alter erreicht hat, mit dem die Volljährigkeit eintritt.

So you can only be elected when you've attained full age.

Unfortunately I'm not sure which age the "full age" in Germany is, I always thought it would be 21 and not 18...
Yes, I know. But look at 38(3), and after that in the Link I've postet before.
The 21-age is important for criminal law: Under 21 you can be sentenced after youth criminal law. BTW, I don't know any other limit by the 21-age.

PS: I just saw, this is my 300th post. It's a little bit funny that postings in english Chit Chat are counted but in german's "Rest" they are not.

Geändert von Flachschupfer (14.05.2003 um 13:39 Uhr)
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Alt 14.05.2003, 16:00
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Adult

Original geschrieben von Flachschupfer
Yes, I know. But look at 38(3), and after that in the Link I've postet before.
The 21-age is important for criminal law: Under 21 you can be sentenced after youth criminal law. BTW, I don't know any other limit by the 21-age.

PS: I just saw, this is my 300th post. It's a little bit funny that postings in english Chit Chat are counted but in german's "Rest" they are not.
Okay, I see. I also don't know any other limit by the 21-age in Germany, only this youth-criminal-law-limit, but I think this limit caused me to think that you are at full age with 21 years...
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Alt 15.05.2003, 08:13
Flachschupfer Flachschupfer ist offline
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Well, I found the right article. It is in §2 BGB --> full-age with 18. But I do not understand, why this article is in the BGB. I felt this would be something like marital status (--> Microsoft Lexirom) ("Personenstand")
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Alt 17.05.2003, 18:38
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Roesslerc Roesslerc ist offline
...ist wieder zurück!!
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I´m 16
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Alt 24.05.2003, 21:30
Trede_N Trede_N ist offline
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I´m twelve(soon thirteen)
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