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Alt 06.03.2006, 16:01
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Zitat von V.B.TUS BA
No i think Jan Ove isn´t arrogant, because he has a good character..I think he is a nice player. And he plays very good
When you had so much success than Waldner had in the 90s, you can become arrogant though you have a good character.
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot, mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht!
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Alt 13.03.2006, 10:45
oldwallman oldwallman ist offline
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Zitat von Truffel
When you had so much success than Waldner had in the 90s, you can become arrogant though you have a good character.
I met him several times on tournaments and in the German Bundesliga.
Compared with his satus as Best player of all times he is very friendly towards
other players, umpires and fans. So my conclusion is that this topic should be closed ASAP because it has no root in reality.
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Alt 14.03.2006, 09:13
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)
AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Zitat von oldwallman
I met him several times on tournaments and in the German Bundesliga.
Compared with his satus as Best player of all times he is very friendly towards
other players, umpires and fans. So my conclusion is that this topic should be closed ASAP because it has no root in reality.

There's nothing to add!
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Alt 18.03.2006, 21:38
Benutzerbild von Truffel
Truffel Truffel ist offline
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AW: Is Waldner arrogant

Zitat von oldwallman
I met him several times on tournaments and in the German Bundesliga.
Compared with his satus as Best player of all times he is very friendly towards
other players, umpires and fans. So my conclusion is that this topic should be closed ASAP because it has no root in reality.
that's right. i met waldner one year ago in darmstadt. during his matches, he stays always calm and friendly.
In general you could open such a topic for each player not only for the world class players. i think that the european top-players aren't arrogant in relation to the chinese. in my opinion some of them are arrogant because in their nation, china, they are so well known and sucessfull. In china table tennis is on the same level than soccer in europe or basketball in the USA.
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot, mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht!
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