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Alt 11.05.2008, 04:20
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: English books

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i read harry potter an the deathly hallows after its publication, but sometimes it was quite hard to understand, because my english is not the best
Nahh, don't worry, Pal. It had nothing to do with your command of English or whatsoever. Harry Potter sucks big time and therefore you probably just got bored out of your mind after glancing through a couple of chapters.
We all dig that, no sweat there.

What you need is some real stuff. In order to get started, you may consider subscribing to the Times, at least to the week-end edition. Later on, of course, it becomes kinda imperative to consequently get the real and entire deal. Bearing in mind the lousy $$ rate, you gotta jump on there and you'll get a real good deal. So don't hold off and grab it!
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Alt 15.06.2008, 04:01
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: English books

"What Happened - Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception" - Scott McClellan
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Alt 08.07.2008, 14:56
Big_Maama Big_Maama ist offline
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AW: English books

Harry Potter 1-7 . These books are really great and they have improved my english a lot! Since Ive read all Harry Potter books in german before it was quite easy to understand everything because I had the plot in mind already.
Moreover I keep listening to the audio books in order to learn the pronounciation either, and by the way I jot down some vocabularies I don´t know. Thats the way learning makes fun!
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Alt 08.07.2008, 15:20
Benutzerbild von nevada
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AW: English books

Gorki Park written by Martin Cruz-Smith. Very difficult to read for me as a "not native speaker", but very interesting and fascinating !

regs nevada
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Alt 13.07.2008, 18:55
Benutzerbild von KÖNIGSBLAU04
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AW: English books

Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm written by George Orwell
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Alt 16.07.2008, 21:55
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AW: English books

At secondary school I read "The Hobbit" from J.R.R. Tolkien. My English at this time wasn't very good, but i got the plot!

Last winter I read "brave new world" from Aldous Huxley. Very interesting story, but also very hard to understand.

Yesterday I have ordered "Is Belief in God Good, Bad or Irrelevant?: A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism & Christianity" it emanated from the e-Mail communication between Preston Jones, a Christian history professor and Greg Graffin, the singer of the band Bad Religion, who earned a doctorate in evolutionary biology. I am anxious to find out if I can understand it ;-) The story is very interesting I think and a German translation is not available yet. So I will try...
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Alt 18.07.2008, 20:08
Benutzerbild von KÖNIGSBLAU04
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AW: English books

"The Wave: The Classroom is out of Control" written by Morton Rhue
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Alt 19.07.2008, 02:04
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: English books

Finally, the brand new Sedaris came in: "When You Are Engulfed in Flames".
Haven't started, yet, but will do so next week.
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Alt 30.07.2008, 11:09
Florian L. Florian L. ist offline
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AW: English books

Zitat von KÖNIGSBLAU04 Beitrag anzeigen
"The Wave: The Classroom is out of Control" written by Morton Rhue
Concerning this price of writing I know a rather interesting story: in my former school 'The Wave' is on the curriculum in English and German. The teachers tried to negotiate who exactly should attend this contently crucial novel.
As a result the English teachers received the task to read this story and consequently only half of the classes came to experience such important stuff. Due to the fact that some teachers simply ignored the arrangment, for example my one, I haven't read that book yet.
Did you like it? Maybe compared to the movie or do I mix some different books up?

In addition I have been reading some classics during the semester for next year's courses: 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' by Samuel Langhorne Clemens (MArk Twain). Enjoyable but, to my mind, not outstanding, perhaps because it is slightly outdated.
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Alt 10.09.2008, 05:25
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: English books

Hmm, Florian, seems like nobody here - including myself - has ever read the book you had mentioned, unfortunately, as you were seeking feedback.

But I just happened to glace through your posting and another old classic just struck my mind :"Uncle Tom's Cabin". That one might be slightly more popular, even though it was written in the 1850s and therefore likely be considered "outdated" nowadays as well. Nevertheless, if my memory serves me correctly, I must have been around 13 back than - and yet, it still left some impression on me after over two decades later I had read it for the first time.
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