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Alt 29.12.2003, 23:41
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Re: Your paddle ?

Hi all,

my favorite wood was the last generation of the Banda 2000 with the straight handle. I used to be an allround player before

Unfortunately it is no longer sold since several years.

Now I play with Donic Power Play wood and this is much more offensive.
Forehand: Sriver EL maximum (approx. 2,5 mm's ) 1 time fresh-glued
Backhand: Sriver EL 1,9 mm (before 2,1 mm) without fresh-glue

So really good against defense players

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Alt 30.12.2003, 12:59
Benutzerbild von Francis54
Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
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Re: Your paddle ?

Norbert, with which Donic Powerplay blade do you play? There are different models, and the Senso V1 is the fastest.
If you're looking for more control, maybe you could try an Andro blade, they are very light and have more control than many of other brands.
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 30.12.2003, 13:26
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Re: Your paddle ?

Hi Francis,

I do not have it just with me, but I guess it's the Persson Power Play (the one with the blue line in the handle - my wife has the same as Allround - with red line in the handle).

I don't know the Senso V1.

Is it really faster than the Persson (as I said: I guess it is this type) Power Play ?

And: If I would have more control with the Andro (didn't try it yet, but I will in the summer after "season's end"), how much speed will I loose vs. the Persson ?

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Alt 30.12.2003, 19:08
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Re: Your paddle ?

wood: yasaka dynamix : not easy to find but it is off+ and it's the wood that has the most layers. It is build in 17 layers and I think there is no wood in the world that has more. It's very fast but just a little slower than some corbon woods but it has more control.
rubbers: yasaka mark V GPS: a little slower than the normal mark V but it is very soft and has much more control.
Stiga neos sound: very fast but it has a good control due to my opinion, it is a soft rubber and when you speed glue it it produces a nice "sound". It is very good to use in your forehand
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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:43
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AW: Re: Your paddle ?

blade butterfly primorac carbon fl
rubbers sriver L

but i will try butterfly michael maze off and stiga clipper wood
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Alt 30.10.2006, 14:05
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AW: Your paddle ?

Blade: Butterfly Ranappu S
FH.: Butterfly Cermet 2,1 red

Muesli Bob
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Alt 30.10.2006, 15:21
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AW: Your paddle ?

Blade: BTY Timo Boll Forte
FH: Joola Samba 2,0
BH: BTY Sriver FX 1,9

both sides speed glued with Stiga Energy

last season I played the following combination:
Blade: Joola Torre
FH: Stiga Neos Sound 2,0 and Joola Samba max.
BH: Donic Vario Cooper S 2,0

also speed glued...

Geändert von Samsonov_fan_#1 (30.10.2006 um 17:24 Uhr)
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Alt 30.10.2006, 15:35
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AW: Your paddle ?

Bonjour et salute!

Je joue à

Blade: Andro Blaxx all+
BH: Andro Plasma 380 2,0mm
VH: Andro Plasma 380 2,0mm
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Alt 25.11.2006, 01:04
Benutzerbild von Skril
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AW: Your paddle ?

blade: Tibhar Samsonov Alpha
fh: Tibhar X-Press 2.0 mm (I played with Max, and I can't see any difference)
bh: Butterfly Sriver FX 1.9 mm (I think, it's so old that nobody remembers it now ^_^') ... but definately need something faster and less soft now

Geändert von Skril (25.11.2006 um 01:08 Uhr)
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Alt 17.02.2007, 00:18
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AW: Your paddle ?

I'm a permanent hardbat player since 2005 now, I play with 2 Butterfly Orthodox on a Tibhar IV L DHT blade.
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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