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Alt 12.11.2008, 16:18
nopje nopje ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Dear M. Sharara,

I hope all the above comments pro-frictionless pimples make you think and conclude in their favour.

I also hope that you find a good and reliable mechanism to control VOC glues, because many players (professionals and amateurs) continue to use them.

Best regards
VH Pryde 30 2.0 RH Tuple 911 ox
C2 Belgien
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Alt 12.11.2008, 19:49
BerlinTT BerlinTT ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Leider spreche ich kein Englisch, darum nur kurz.....

Dear Mr. Shahara,

please support the approval of non-fricton pimples !!!

Keep more damage from our sport away, it is still time to make all this

disappointed people all over the world happy again.
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Alt 12.11.2008, 20:49
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Just a little hint:

Sahara = a huge desert in Africa

Adham Sharara = ITTF President

Sharara = perhaps a cute arabian girl

I think best way to avoid difficulties is --> Adham (not @ham or atham )

regs nevada
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Alt 12.11.2008, 21:09
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Hi Adham,

I personally never liked to play people using frictionless rubber, especially if these can produce an unpredictable spin (and placement). It really can destroy the game and make it ugly to watch.

By banning this rubber, hopefully many players start using more predictable rubber, which will lead to a better, more straightforward table tennis. The game is difficult enough as it is with enough strange ways of playing to keep me busy .

Best regards,

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Alt 12.11.2008, 21:18
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Just a little hint:
Sahara = a huge desert in Africa
Adham Sharara = ITTF President
At this point, I have to avoid an obvious comment!!
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Alt 12.11.2008, 21:47
Benjy Benjy ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von haraldhzx Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Adham,

I personally never liked to play people using frictionless rubber, especially if these can produce an unpredictable spin (and placement). It really can destroy the game and make it ugly to watch.

By banning this rubber, hopefully many players start using more predictable rubber, which will lead to a better, more straightforward table tennis. The game is difficult enough as it is with enough strange ways of playing to keep me busy .

Best regards,

Whats so "unpredictable" on the effect of frictionless-long-pips: "What goes in comes out".

Frictionless-long-pips indeed have limitations against other rubbers: You can not produce spin yourself. But they have an advantage: If your opponent uses spin, than he will have his spin back. So far there is nothing unpredictable here. Every trainer i asked told me the same.

To Adham:

Why does the friction-level of 25Nm only count for pimples out? If the friction is something you feel you must control, then I dont see the point to only limit this to pimples.

But another point: ITTF tried to control all blades that are allowed. But somehow this was cancelled. At the moment everyone can build his/her own blade and play with it. Why wouldnt you control that?

What was the argument of setting the friction level to 25Nm... why not 5Nm?

I see the fact that speed-glueing is an "after-treatment", but when a manufacturer delivers a rubber "reproducable", then I dont see the point in the ban. The frictionless pimples that were on the market all were approved by ITTF and I guess the rubbers in the "wild" were the same as the samples you approved. So there was not after-treating.

I am
- for stoping to make rules on things that did not need have rules.
- for allowing boosters and so as long as they are not harmful (Cigarettes are!)
- for putting the sport in the first place, not the rules.
- for supporting minoritys, not try to rule them away (Players with frictionless long pimples)

Tabletennis is a sport you can do even if you are above 60, so give the players the opportunity to do it.
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Alt 12.11.2008, 22:09
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

I fully agree with you !
Holz: Stiga Defensiv Pro - SL Irbis 2,1 - Dawei 388D OX
Manchmal gewinne ich, manchmal verlieren die anderen.

Geändert von TSC (20.11.2008 um 19:00 Uhr)
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Alt 12.11.2008, 22:43
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

A very important point we should not forget:

More than 50% of all players in lower classes are older than 30 years. Long pimples etc. make is possible for them to win against clearly younger player. This is only possible in table-tennis. No other popular sport can offer this. But exactly this will be destroyed. The result will be:

1. Many older player will stop playing table-tennis.
2. The leading persons of our table-tennis-clubs are nearly exclusively older player. We will miss them, if they go.
3. And we will miss our coaches and after this our young players.

Quo vadis table-tennis?

Best wishes
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Alt 13.11.2008, 00:02
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

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Long pimples etc. make is possible [for them] to win [against clearly younger player].
And that, my dear, is the point (well, among a few others). Thanks for putting that into the right perspective.

"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."

Geändert von TSC (13.11.2008 um 00:08 Uhr)
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Alt 13.11.2008, 00:33
Neptune Neptune ist offline
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AW: Hello from ITTF President

Zitat von haraldhzx Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Adham,

I personally never liked to play people using frictionless rubber, especially if these can produce an unpredictable spin (and placement). It really can destroy the game and make it ugly to watch.

By banning this rubber, hopefully many players start using more predictable rubber, which will lead to a better, more straightforward table tennis. The game is difficult enough as it is with enough strange ways of playing to keep me busy .

Best regards,

Harald, what's so unpredictable??? If someone uses frictionless long pimples you know excactly what happens. 1. Topspin - Backspin and 2. Chop - Topspin 3. dead ball - dead ball. That's it. So you as an inward pimpled player (I guess you are) can "read" and precisely define the game.

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