The TT-NEWS Club Bar Chit Chat - Talk about anything here. Not only tabletennis-related topics are welcome here, also other sports, politics, lifestyle, etc. |
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AW: Foreign languages...
Well, a douche-bag is a (medical) device that holds water (or any other fluid for that matter) for the purpose of funneling it into your body through a tube. I spare you all the gory details, but if you'd like to learn more about it, just google "colonic" or "Darmspiegelung".
The term douche-bag (or just "douche"), however, is commonly used as derogatory slang, typically for the purpose of insulting someone. As for spreading the word: it won't work, believe me. Not until tt-news will offer an English version of its software. |
AW: Foreign languages...
I believe this is in the making. ML mentioned this in the modroom recently. However, as ML is a busy man, "in the making" could mean xxxx ( pick any date).
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft, dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat." |
AW: Foreign languages...
@ TSC,
I know that this is a major project and therefore might take a while. Also, I think we should revoke the idea of having a chat-room available here on tt-news. I vagely recall that Sven (the moderator) had mentioned something along those lines a while back ago. |
AW: Foreign languages...
I simply love languages. My mother tongue is German and I'm speaking English - quite well, I guess - and Spanish. And I've also had Latin for 5 years. So, I think I don't have any problem with languages, but I hope that I can improve my Spanish a little.
And I love to speak English, I don't know why, but I just enjoy speaking English to someone . |
AW: Foreign languages...
english +++ german + (but I am learning and will improve my skills) french +/- |
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