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Alt 19.06.2003, 20:45
Benutzerbild von Scheich Abdullah
Scheich Abdullah Scheich Abdullah ist offline
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Scheich Abdullah ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Scheich Abdullah ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Scheich Abdullah ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Scheich Abdullah ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Scheich Abdullah ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Scheich Abdullah ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)
Next Monday the European Veterans Championships will start

Almost 1500 participants, a great happening in Valleé d'Aoste

A great sport happening will start next Monday inside the Forum in Courmayeur.
After the organising and technical success of table tennis international events, last one the European Championships on March, Valleé d'Aoste will host the 5th edition of European Veterans Championships.
Thanks to the spirit of the participants it will be both a sport competition and a big party, even if the technical level is very high.
Worldwide great players of the past will take part and, as a consequence, the matches will be very competitive. The players will be 1457 (1101 men and 356 women) shared in different age categories, from 34 countries.
Organisation structure is accomplishing a big task and, thanks to the large experience, it will be able to turn the event into a success.
From Monday to Saturday 28th June (the day of the final matches) participants will be always involved in matches, considering that each age category has 4 tournaments: single, double, men and women. More than 68 tables will be located inside the Forum to meet the needs of such a full programme.
The event has been officially presented today in Aosta by the President of the European and Italian Federation, Mr Stefano Bosi, the Vallée d'Aoste Councillor of Sports, Mr Alberto Cerise and Courmayeur Mayor, Mr Romano Blua. A positive cooperation between the Italian Federation and Valleé d'Aoste that is still increasing also thanks to these Veterans Championships.
Moreover, great interest is also due to the ages of participants: "over 85" matches will be carefully followed.
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