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Alt 19.05.2003, 22:59
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back to 21

what is your opinion? back to 21 or is 11 good?
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Alt 19.05.2003, 23:05
Detlef Lange Detlef Lange ist offline
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11 - it's more exciting.

Detlef Lange
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Alt 19.05.2003, 23:09
Morten (from Norway)
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I want to play sets ending at 11, but I think that the chinese federation want returning to 21.
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Alt 19.05.2003, 23:15
Benutzerbild von Joachim Voigt
Joachim Voigt Joachim Voigt ist offline
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yes, chines fed wants to go back to 21. I like to play to 11 and it would be a desaster in public to change back to 21.
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Alt 20.05.2003, 18:20
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pelirroja pelirroja ist offline
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At first I didn't like the sets of 11 points at all, but now I prefer the short sets because they're much more interesting!
Auch die längste Reise beginnt mit dem ersten Schritt. (Laotse)

Wir sind Hude!
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Alt 23.05.2003, 10:59
vladim (poland)
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it will be 11, no way back to 21
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Alt 29.05.2003, 23:33
Benutzerbild von Amok "Orginal"
Amok "Orginal" Amok "Orginal" ist offline
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21 ..... 4 ever!!!!!!

*lol* i wanna go back to 21 !!! so you can "play" a little bit more *g* and there is no need to concentrate all the time ... thats more relaxed
Ein wahrer "Tier"freund! *kleineMIAUMIAUSmag* http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmili...ugh/zzwhip.gif
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Alt 21.06.2003, 17:35
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Re: back to 21

Original geschrieben von zhang
what is your opinion? back to 21 or is 11 good?
while thinking that 11-up is more exciting, i think that some aspects of the new format should be looked into...

if the ITTF approx. halves the number of points per games (from 21 to 11), shouldn't they also double the number of games, to maintain equilibrium??? it will also ensure that upset wins have to be earned, across the board (at every level of the game)...

in a very close game... as close as close can be... (e.g. winner of a set wins 21-19, or now 11-9)

21-up avg. 40 points per game x 5 sets = 200 points

11-up avg. 20 points per game x 9 sets = 180 points
11-up avg. 20 points per game x 7 sets = 140 points [the current case]

i think the above proves that the ITTF should pay some attention to increasing the number of games per match!!!

in fact, i see no excuse for not doing so...
the ITTF can't say players will be more tired - as earlier they used to play even more points! for the same reason, they cannot say that matches will take longer... in fact, the 9 game format will only ensure a fairer result!
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Alt 26.06.2003, 17:42
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Roesslerc Roesslerc ist offline
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I didn´t play to 21, but 11 is good, isn´t it?
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Alt 08.07.2003, 13:26
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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In my opinion, the best solution would have been to play a game up to 13 points with a change of service after 3 points. Then the total number of points for a best of 5 and 7 match, respectively, would be approximately the same as it was before. Moreover, there would be a better flow in the match, particularly, in the doubles. Additionally, the four players of a double would be equally treated, as it is not the case if one plays up to 11.
If I have the choice between 11 and 21, I would prefer 21!!

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