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Rules and Regulations Table Tennis rules and regulations. Need help with a rules-related dispute or having some controversial situation you couldn't solve on your own? Always wanted to learn how to serve legally? etc. >> powered by DONIC

Alt 14.04.2001, 01:15
Markus Graph Markus Graph ist offline
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Only backhand services, changing every two points the service and playing only up to 11 points
Nearly nobody wants this rules, but what can we do?
How can we stop the ITTF?
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Alt 07.07.2001, 07:48
Benutzerbild von Siegmund Freud
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How do you think about the new rules?

In Usa, Belarus, Sweden, ...
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Alt 10.07.2001, 22:19
[tt]JayNiz [tt]JayNiz ist offline
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This year's changes are not as bad as the introduction of the bigger ball (which was imho useless).
I would have prefered a different scoring-system (the one in tennis), but I don't find it that bad. It is defenitly something I can live with. Although I doubt that it will have the effect ITTF hopes for.

The changes concerning the service are much more promising (although devestating for me, since my service is my best shot). I think this is going to have a much deeper impact than all other changes together.
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Alt 08.03.2002, 11:46
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And now? What do you think NOW about the new rules?
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Alt 10.03.2002, 17:15
Benutzerbild von Cissai
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new rules

In my opinion the new scoring-system isn´t bad. The games are often Thrillers and it´s nice to watch these matches.
And the new ball is ok, too. After nearly one year with the new ball I have no problems and my game is the same as before the new ball.
But I´m a little bit critical about the service-rule, so I´ve to learn new services.
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Alt 11.03.2002, 14:04
Strike ! Strike ! ist offline
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Well, we slowly get used to the changes ! Finally !
" Wenn diese Bohl nicht kommt, spielst Du eine andere Bohl. Kommt die nicht, wieder eine andere. ... bin ich schon gute Trainer, oder ?"
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Alt 19.06.2007, 08:47
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Marcus, TTReisen Marcus, TTReisen ist offline
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AW: We don´t want the new rules, but what can we do?

Just found this old thread and think it'd be interesting to look at the whole thing from a 5 year perspective:
What do you think NOW? About
- the bigger ball
- set finishing at 11 (+ changing serve every 2nd point)
- 2nd arm forbidden to hide the ball when serving
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Alt 19.06.2007, 12:32
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)
AW: We don´t want the new rules, but what can we do?

Zitat von Marcus, TTReisen Beitrag anzeigen
Just found this old thread and think it'd be interesting to look at the whole thing from a 5 year perspective:
What do you think NOW? About
- the bigger ball
- set finishing at 11 (+ changing serve every 2nd point)
- 2nd arm forbidden to hide the ball when serving
- quality of the 40 mm balls is still below any acceptable level
- the appropriate solution would have been games ending at 13 points with change of the service after 3 points
- rule is okay, but many referees and players do not care about it
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