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Alt 21.01.2008, 22:05
dave51 dave51 ist offline
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speed glue ban

i was just wondering how far the players in your country have adapted to the speed glue ban.

is everybody in your country still gluing or have they changed to tuning or speed glue substitute rubbers?

here in england many of the very good youngsters are playing speed glue substitute rubbers.

the old guys are speed gluing until the last possible date
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Alt 21.01.2008, 22:32
jakemessi jakemessi ist offline
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AW: speed glue ban

most of the young players have changed to play with speed -glue -substitute -rubbers.
There are also blades which have a rebound effekt. this means that they are slower in passive play and faster in topspin- or other fast-play. For example the german company andro produces such rubbers. many talented jung players try the new rubbers . But i think that the pros. will use tuner such as STiga booster and Tibhar CTE and keep their old rubbers because it is more similar to the old feeling if you keep the same rubber ,so they do not have to change their technics.
not all of the substitude rubbers are of good quality !
Holz: NSD (verkleinert, gehärtet)
FS 804(s-Schwamm )s/ABS 0.5 Toni H. Schwamm
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Alt 21.01.2008, 22:52
dave51 dave51 ist offline
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AW: speed glue ban

do you have any experience with the tuner stuff, i.e. tibhar cte,

i have heard it is a really messy business to apply the stuff.

I'd like to try some Andro stuff, but it is hard to get hold of in the U.K.
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Alt 22.01.2008, 10:53
jakemessi jakemessi ist offline
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AW: speed glue ban

I think that Andro has not produced any tuner yet.

The problem with the CTE tuner is that you need a few(2 or 3) days until you can reglue your rubber on the blade because of the strong bending of the rubber. But so far the CTE is the best tuner.

But there is a new tuner from Stiga which is called "Extreme Booster" which which is more liquid and you can tune the sponge as well us the rubber on top !
this causes a bending to the other direcction, so that you con reglue the hole rubber on the blade within ours. (That what the decription says)

If you can not buy it in England. You could either try and buy it on ********.de (******** Germany) or you ask me and i give you the email adress of a German company which has a shop in England.
Holz: NSD (verkleinert, gehärtet)
FS 804(s-Schwamm )s/ABS 0.5 Toni H. Schwamm
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Alt 22.01.2008, 14:32
dave51 dave51 ist offline
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AW: speed glue ban

if the rubber gets bigger with the stiga tuner

wouldn't it be illegal, as the whole bat would not fall under the 4mm rule
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Alt 22.01.2008, 14:39
jakemessi jakemessi ist offline
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AW: speed glue ban

no it wont be bigger ! It is the same with the speed gluing .it fills the gaps in the sponge. it will put the rubber under pressure, so that it will expand. only the rubber ! so it wont expand button to top because on the sides there is no rubber ! in opposite the sponge might be lightly thinner in the end.
Holz: NSD (verkleinert, gehärtet)
FS 804(s-Schwamm )s/ABS 0.5 Toni H. Schwamm
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