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Technique - Tactics - Training share your table tennis knowledge about stroke technique, training methods, game strategies, coaching, etc.

Alt 27.05.2004, 08:44
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Gao Jun Video Instructions - Loop Drive

Gao Jun covers the basics of the table tennis loop drive with Garen Khoilian. She demonstrates the mechanics of the stroke, pointing out three key things to remember.
1) Go forward.
2) Swing the forearm and wrist.
3) Turn the waist.

See the video at:


(right click on the link and select "Save Target As" to download)

In this clip Gao points out 4 parts of Garen’s stroke to improve upon.

1) I think it’s easier to notice what other people are doing wrong when it’s pointed out. Here Gao continually shows Garen that he’s swinging over and around the ball instead of through it (if that’s the proper way to describe it). At the end of the lesson (not this clip) I found myself rejoicing when Garen eventually gets it right.

2) Gao encourages Garen to increase the length of his stroke from short to a longer one.

3) Gao points out that Garen’s timing is late.

4) Gao tells Garen he’s not fast enough and instructs him to increase his speed by turning his waste more.

Who thinks it’s cute the way Gao wags her finger at Garen’s last mistake?


Gao Jun teaches Garen Khoilian not to spread his legs.

If you move one leg, the other leg needs to follow.


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