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Alt 15.04.2002, 12:23
zymbalist zymbalist ist offline
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Are Kettler tables any good??

I am about to buy a table for myself
I have found a good bargain for a Kettler Oslo green indoor table, 19mm surface, for under 250 Euros. The alternative is a Joola Transport, again indoor 19mm, for 340 Euros. Is the Kettler any worse than the Joola? Do you have any alternatives to the two for about 300 Euros (that's my budget)
Thanks a lot!!
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Alt 13.07.2002, 11:58
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joerg.bolivien joerg.bolivien ist offline
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For home ,I think, the Kettler is the best.
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Alt 13.07.2002, 14:18
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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Originally posted by joerg.bolivien
For home ,I think, the Kettler is the best.

I think so, too! The Kettler table are good for the home activities!
But in the club hall you need a Joola table or an other table!


Geändert von Jörg (14.07.2002 um 12:41 Uhr)
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Alt 14.07.2002, 20:24
hennes hennes ist offline
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Originally posted by Jörg


I think so, too! The Kettler table are good for the home activities!
But in the club hall you need a Joola table or an other table!

I think so too!
Kettler tables are good to play at home but for your club are Joola tables better.
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Alt 15.07.2002, 13:23
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Originally posted by Ralf TT-Granate

I think so too!
Kettler tables are good to play at home but for your club are Joola tables better.
But not only Joola ,I think ,that TSP and Buuterfly tables are the best ,but let us make no discussion about the quality from tables!!!
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Alt 15.07.2002, 18:11
hennes hennes ist offline
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Originally posted by joerg.bolivien

But not only Joola ,I think ,that TSP and Buuterfly tables are the best ,but let us make no discussion about the quality from tables!!!
Why not?
Ok, I forget Cornilleau! Cornilleau produce the best tables!
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Alt 02.08.2002, 23:59
TT Voodoo TT Voodoo ist offline
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Hi Folks,
Please, let me know something:

How could you determine a table good or bad? Which features are important for you? ...Colour? ...

Everything is relative
TT Voodoo
*** Everything is relativE ***
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Alt 04.08.2002, 23:30
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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yes, surely, color is the most important... if this doesn't fit to my hair colour, i will reject to play on such a table

well, a good table (tournaments) must fit to the rules and must be as easy to handle as possible - meaning it should not weight tons but it should be hard to move when in use and easy to put away when not in use...
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Alt 03.07.2004, 18:39
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AW: Are Kettler tables any good??

Zitat von Pinguin
yes, surely, color is the most important... if this doesn't fit to my hair colour, i will reject to play on such a table

well, a good table (tournaments) must fit to the rules and must be as easy to handle as possible - meaning it should not weight tons but it should be hard to move when in use and easy to put away when not in use...
Can anyone suggest to an inexperienced player what kind of outdoor tables are any good? Or is it a question simply of the more it costs the better it is? Chris
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Alt 06.07.2004, 10:02
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chris chris ist offline
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AW: Are Kettler tables any good??

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Can anyone suggest to an inexperienced player what kind of outdoor tables are any good? Or is it a question simply of the more it costs the better it is? Chris

Well, we had a Kettler Outdoor table and it is still fine after 20 years.
But there is no comparison to a high class tournament table, neither in price nor in the qualities.
Except from the mechanical parts (no roller or kind of roller) a good table is determined by the surface and the thickness of the fibreboard which gives the ball the speed and let it bounce higher or lower.
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