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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Which is the most popular brand name in your country?
Donic 40 14,81%
Stiga 9 3,33%
Andro 28 10,37%
Gewo 3 1,11%
Butterfly 154 57,04%
Tibhar 14 5,19%
Joola 13 4,81%
TSP 1 0,37%
other... 8 2,96%
Teilnehmer: 270. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 05.08.2001, 10:54
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Which brand name is the most popular in your country?

Which table-tennis company would you call the market leader in your country?
Aus der Schlacht um die Niederlage, die man ihm streitig machen wollte, ging er siegreich hervor...
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Alt 05.08.2001, 11:33
Fabian13 Fabian13 ist offline
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I think Butterfly is played by the most people, but Stiga is already the best.
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Alt 05.08.2001, 12:01
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philwolters philwolters ist offline
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It is hardly possible to choose a best brand,but Butterfly is the most popular brand in germany.At least in the west Andro is played more and more.
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Alt 05.08.2001, 16:02
sVeNd sVeNd ist offline
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i also think that butterfly is the most-selling brand in germany in addition of all german bundesländer (districts) but there huge differences between all the districts in percentation of equipment.
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Alt 05.08.2001, 16:33
yoshi yoshi ist offline
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What other brands are common in Europe ?

I am somewhat surprised that brands like Butterfly and Stiga are that popular with you. I thought Donic would be the more obvious choice since popular players like Waldner, Persson and Applegren are (were) sponsored by this company (Donic is German, isn't it ?).(At least I deduced form other post here that they are popular in your country).

I understand that Rosskof (is that his name ?) is sponsored by Joola and Boll (the one who won the Brazilian Open) ? (How old is he ?)
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Alt 05.08.2001, 21:29
sVeNd sVeNd ist offline
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Originally posted by yoshi
What other brands are common in Europe ?
also common are andro, donic, tibhar, joola, nittaku, gewo, tsp,..

Originally posted by yoshi

I am somewhat surprised that brands like Butterfly and Stiga are that popular with you. I thought Donic would be the more obvious choice since popular players like Waldner, Persson and Applegren are (were) sponsored by this company (Donic is German, isn't it ?).(At least I deduced form other post here that they are popular in your country).

I understand that Rosskof (is that his name ?) is sponsored by Joola and Boll (the one who won the Brazilian Open) ? (How old is he ?)
i think boll is twenty years old.

but you are right somehow: donic is also played very much, especially in the north, i think, while stiga is played more in the south..
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Alt 10.03.2002, 17:01
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Don´t forget JOOLA, here in the north of Germany many player from lower to upper classes play Joola rubbers and woods.
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Alt 12.03.2002, 10:56
Rigornd Rigornd ist offline
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Donic is also played really often in the south. As far as I can see in my district it is the most played company. Especially the woods. Rubbers I think there is Butterfly also quite popular.
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Alt 12.03.2002, 20:30
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brands across Europe

Originally posted by sVeNd
i think boll is twenty years old.
You were right when you posted it. In the meantime, he has become 21 years old!

Originally posted by sVeNd
but you are right somehow: donic is also played very much, especially in the north, i think, while stiga is played more in the south..
You might have the impression that Stiga is played more frequently in the south because some people in this forum play it. That is because ml is promoting it, doesn't he? . Personally, I do not know many Stiga players.

With his classic rubbers like the Sriver series, Butterfly is still the leading brand - more or less all over the world. In England, it is quite popular as well, thanks to its Grand Prix Tournaments.

In Germany, Joola is quite popular in terms of blades, TSP has convinced a lot of players with its different Triple rubbers.
Donic is also quite frequently played, but their rubbers did not really succeed in the last couple of years, blades seem to work better.

In France, it is not that different, with the exception that we meet brands like Banco that are completely unknown in other countries but very popular in France.
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Alt 27.04.2002, 14:09
James_for_Germany James_for_Germany ist offline
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I wonder that so many players think that Stiga is the best brand! There is no (Bundesliga) - Team who is sponsored by Stiga! And there is no good player like Boll, Waldner, Samsonov ...aso who plays Stiga! Everybody plays Butterfly, Donic or Joola... But I think Andro is still coming...(I hope so!)
Never Forget Where you Come From!

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