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Alt 08.01.2023, 22:36
Lily Vanili Lily Vanili ist offline
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Who is going to Oman for WVC 2023

Are there any players in this forum going ?

One of my friends is looking for a men's doubles & mixed doubles partner
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Alt 11.01.2023, 03:36
Benutzerbild von Juan El Gordo Pérez
Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

Date: 15 to 21 January 2023
Muscat, Oman

An event for the champions of the present and the past!

The World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023 will take place on 15-21 January in the Sultanate of Oman, a country of breath-taking natural beauty.

With several age categories and 44 World Titles on offer, this is an event for anyone and everyone who continues to show their passion for the sport, while enjoying an unforgettable experience in the Arabian Peninsula*s hidden jewel.

The Sultanate of Oman is a country of breath-taking natural beauty, interwoven with a kaleidoscope of history and legends. As the oldest independent state in the Arab World, Oman has embraced modernization and progress while retaining the core aspects of its culture and heritage.

From tall mountains and deep gorges, to water-filled wadis, endless beaches and some of the world*s most stunning desert landscapes, Oman is the hidden jewel of the Arabian Peninsula.

Geändert von Juan El Gordo Pérez (11.01.2023 um 03:38 Uhr)
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Alt 11.01.2023, 03:36
Benutzerbild von Juan El Gordo Pérez
Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

Age Categories:

40-44 years (born between 1982 and 1978)
45-49 years (born between 1977 and 1973)
50-54 years (born between 1972 and 1968)
55-59 years (born between 1967 and 1963)
60-64 years (born between 1962 and 1958)
65-69 years (born between 1957 and 1953)
70-74 years (born between 1952 and 1948)
75-79 years (born between 1947 and 1943)
80-84 years (born between 1942 and 1938)
85-89 years (born between 1937 and 1933)
Over 90 years (born in 1932 or before)
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Alt 11.01.2023, 03:46
Benutzerbild von Juan El Gordo Pérez
Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

Table Tennis is a sport practiced by wide range of people in the Sultanate, by all ages and both genders.

The activities started back in Sultanate of Oman in 1970s, and in order to enhance the means of upgrading the game activities in the Sultanate, the successive of national federations have worked to promote and develop the game in all regions, and to all sectors, focusing on priority groups in public, private schools and universities, clubs and others. The idea of sport is maintained as a "life model" by setting up events for amateur and older practitioners.

Over the last decade, all the goals have been achieved to spread and develop the game. Table tennis has become the focus of attention for all sectors of government and private schools, colleges, universities and others, by inserting table tennis competitions within the annual agendas.

The National Federations have worked to develop the human resourses, through the qualifying of referees, coaches and managers through targeting them to local courses accredited by the competent authorities, and others under the umbrella of the International Table Tennis Federation, in order to keep abreast of developments on the game and not to overlook any aspect.

Over the last few years, many promising table tennis centers have been opened in all governorates of the country and provided with all the necessary equipment to carry out their work in the right manner. In order to provide the national team with new players and exploit the children's time in what is useful and try to keep them away from electronic games, which is the scourge of this era. At the same time, these centers are used for amateur and veteran's players.

As for the organizational aspect, the Oman Table Tennis Federation has organized many regional, Arab, Asian and international events. The most prominent of these were the Oman world junior circuit - Premium early 2018 with the participation of 19 countries and more than 120 players, and 16th Arab Cup Championships' in 2017 with participation of 16 countries and more than 150 players.

During the year 2019, Oman Table Tennis Federation will organize three international events, the ITTF Challenge Plus Tournament, Oman Open next March, ITTF Hopes Week & Challenge in July, and World Junior Circuit - Premium in October for the second time in a row.

As a result of the continuous work, the Oman Table Tennis Federation has been awarded the Ministry of Sports Affairs "lnjazatuna", the Best Achievement as the best sports federation and institution for the years 2016-2017.

Oman Table Tennis Federation have a good number of umpires whom are active in local and international tournament and we expect by 2022 will have more than 200 umpiers and more than 50 international white badge umpires.

By 2022, the Federation started a program for the volunteers which will be selected for table tennis family such as players, coaches, university student and those whom are working with the federation during their local and international events, the number volunteers will be decided later on, depend on the entries, but they guarantee that they will provide the quantity and the quality of volunteers to make this event as it should be.
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Alt 11.01.2023, 03:59
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Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

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Alt 11.01.2023, 04:00
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Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

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Alt 11.01.2023, 04:01
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Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

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Alt 11.01.2023, 04:02
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Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

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Alt 11.01.2023, 04:04
Benutzerbild von Juan El Gordo Pérez
Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

Competition schedule

Saturday, January 14, 2023: Accreditation 3pm-8pm

Sunday, January 15, 2023: Accreditation 9am-6pm. Opening ceremony at 7pm

Monday, January 16, 2023: First group matches in singles

Tuesday, January 17, 2023: Continuation and end of group matches in singles and doubles

Wednesday, January 18, 2023: Day Off / Touristic offer

Thursday, January 19, 2023: 1st singles matches in knockout into the main or the consolation draw

Friday, January 20, 2023: Singles and doubles matches in knockout into the main or the consolation draw

Saturday, January 21, 2023: Singles and doubles finals into the consolation draw, and doubles finals into the main draw. Singles semi-finals and finals of the main draw
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Alt 11.01.2023, 04:05
Benutzerbild von Juan El Gordo Pérez
Juan El Gordo Pérez Juan El Gordo Pérez ist offline
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Juan El Gordo Pérez ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2023

The first World Veteran Championships were held in Goteborg in 1982, under the supervision of the Swaythling Club International.

This association was created by former participants of the World Table Tennis Championships.

The “Swaythling” name comes from Lady Gladys Goldsmid Montagu Swaythling (1879-1965) – the mother of Ivor Montagu (1904-1984), Founding President of the ITTF.
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