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Alt 12.10.2002, 10:37
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about clipper wood and rubber

is the clipper wood mate well with the innova light rubber?
i am currently using the markV and want a change. please suggest

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Alt 12.10.2002, 10:41
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The Clipper-wood and the IUL would surely fit - but will be somewhat different to your currently used MarkV which has a much harder sponge.
--- wrecking crew ---
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Alt 12.10.2002, 10:47
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Alt 14.10.2002, 08:38
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by the way, which rubber other than the IUL can match the clipper wood. thanks
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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:46
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: about clipper wood and rubber

sriver fx!

fx and iul are both very good for clipper wood

myself, i like more harder sponges
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