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The TT-NEWS Club Bar Chit Chat - Talk about anything here. Not only tabletennis-related topics are welcome here, also other sports, politics, lifestyle, etc.

Alt 24.07.2002, 16:32
Benutzerbild von Red
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Foreign languages...

For a couple of members I've noticed some problems by using a foreign language while I was reading almost everything that was posted in "Chit Chat". Some of the posts written there told me of problems the people have with foreign languages. Don't get me wrong: I won't point my finger on it but I think that there is enough stuff to open a new thread - this one.
So, you are all invited to write about your personal use (or abuse) of languages...
--- wrecking crew ---
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Alt 25.07.2002, 08:49
Benutzerbild von Amok "Orginal"
Amok "Orginal" Amok "Orginal" ist offline
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Yes, its right!

I have a little problem with latin.....
Ein wahrer "Tier"freund! *kleineMIAUMIAUSmag* http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmili...ugh/zzwhip.gif
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Alt 30.07.2002, 12:59
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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My little problem is English!
But I work at my problem!

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Alt 30.07.2002, 14:20
Benutzerbild von Amok "Orginal"
Amok "Orginal" Amok "Orginal" ist offline
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Talking @ Jörg

We´re gonna help you!

I swear!
Ein wahrer "Tier"freund! *kleineMIAUMIAUSmag* http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmili...ugh/zzwhip.gif
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Alt 30.07.2002, 20:40
Sascha Eichmann Sascha Eichmann ist offline
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At the beginning my biggest problem concerning to languages was the german grammar. That changed as I started "leraning" English in class 5. That time I was definitely sure, it could never get worse. I was wrong. 2 years later I´ve had to start learning Latin.
But today i have to say: latin is cool! Especially the classtours to "Lateinien", while your friends are gonna watching Paris.
Gänzlich frei von Signaturen...
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Alt 30.07.2002, 20:53
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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In German was my problem the dictation!
But now it is better!

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Alt 31.07.2002, 22:55
Benutzerbild von Red
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I'm at war with french, by the way...
--- wrecking crew ---
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Alt 05.08.2002, 17:53
Benutzerbild von trendyandy
trendyandy trendyandy ist offline
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I tell you, latin is no complex or complicated at all, ancient greek is much more complicated and i learned it for 4 years so i know of what i'm speakin (and i learned latin for 6 years )
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Alt 06.08.2002, 14:12
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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...well, but now you have no problems when speaking to people in Rome or in Greece - you should only look for quite old people...

...I was happy when I was able to get rid of French at school...
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Alt 06.08.2002, 14:44
Benutzerbild von The albatross
The albatross The albatross ist offline
René Schaible
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Originally posted by Pinguin

...I was happy when I was able to get rid of French at school...
Wrong way! I was happy when I could get rid of school and go to France!! :boing:
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