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Alt 25.05.2003, 16:01
Morten (from Norway)
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Defenders back again?

What is your opinion? Are the defenders back? Many people said, that the defenders have no future, but the World Championship and the European Championship showed an other way!
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Alt 10.06.2003, 12:44
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Well, I hope so =) Defenders make our sport more interesting (ok, some players don´t agree with that ) and it would be nice if some of them return to the little group of top-players, who are able to win the Olympic games, or the World Championships.:boing:
Aus der Schlacht um die Niederlage, die man ihm streitig machen wollte, ging er siegreich hervor...
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Alt 02.10.2003, 18:26
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Re: Defenders back again?

Sure that the number of defenders will increase for the next years, with the developement of "active defending" style, like Joo Se Hyuk (n° 20), Chen Weixin (n° 23), or the young Chinese player Hou Yingchao (n° 33), that you can see playing on this video :
There are 7 defenders that I know in the 100 best players (maybe some others I don't know), that's still a few, but some are coming, like Gionis (n° 113), who's playing in Metz, France, and that i will see for the first time next tuesday!
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 22.10.2003, 23:03
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Re: Defenders back again?

A few defenders are very good, but more good player play offense!
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Alt 23.10.2003, 01:33
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Re: Defenders back again?

Of course Roesslerc, but I think it will change for the next years with these active defenders, because it's much more agreable to see than 2 offensive players playing top-spin and counter top-spin during minutes and minutes, witch becomes boring at the end.
Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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Alt 22.11.2004, 14:27
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Talking AW: Defenders back again?

hello do you have defensiv tt-videos????
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Alt 12.12.2004, 00:36
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AW: Defenders back again?

Well I have about 5 Clips with Joo See Hyuk, one with Chen Weixing and one with Chtchetinine. ~1GB.
Wer die Suche benutzt, ist nur zu faul einen neuen Thread zu eröffnen.
Tibhar Aurus/Avalox J-Power/Andro Hexer Duro
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Alt 27.11.2005, 16:08
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: Defenders back again?

Zitat von Morten (from Norway)
What is your opinion? Are the defenders back? Many people said, that the defenders have no future, but the World Championship and the European Championship showed an other way!
vice world champion 2004: yoo sey hyuk!! any more questions?
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Alt 28.02.2006, 11:30
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AW: Defenders back again?

I think there are many good defenders on the world, like Joo, Chen, Chetchenine, Hou ... !
But I don't think that these defenders can conquer the top of the world rankings.
The offensive players are too many.
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot, mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht!
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Alt 22.01.2017, 21:30
Stefano-IT Stefano-IT ist offline
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AW: Defenders back again?

Zitat von Morten (from Norway) Beitrag anzeigen
What is your opinion? Are the defenders back? Many people said, that the defenders have no future, but the World Championship and the European Championship showed an other way!
10 years after and defenders still not died.

why should they? There will be always chances for defenders to become top100 in the world.

this week german defenders filus managed to play semifinals at hungarian open versus 3 chinese players.
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