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Alt 20.02.2020, 13:35
Crux Crux ist offline
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New Butterfly Revoldia CNF and Harimoto IF ZLC blades

Butterfly will release new blades on April 1, 2020.

Apart from Harimoto Innerforce ZLC and Harimoto Super ZLC, Butterfly Revoldia CNF is composite blade made with new material called "Cellulose Nanofiber" or "CNF".
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Alt 20.02.2020, 21:20
marcush marcush ist offline
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AW: New Butterfly Revoldia CNF and Harimoto IF ZLC blades

I did not know CNF is already available for industrial applications let alone commercialised ....as long filaments and not juszt as paper / filtration medium.
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Alt 21.02.2020, 08:34
Crux Crux ist offline
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AW: New Butterfly Revoldia CNF and Harimoto IF ZLC blades

Well, it is. And Butterfly is not only manufacturer that is using it in making blades. I saw a photo of a CNF sheet Darker shared at the beginning of October 2019 and their CNF blade will be available during this Spring.

By the way, Butterfly has just announced these new products:

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Alt 02.04.2020, 11:17
nicolesky nicolesky ist offline
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AW: New Butterfly Revoldia CNF and Harimoto IF ZLC blades

Pricy, but if it takes only cons of carbon fiber and wood I would buy. Will wait for a reviews now. Thanks for the info!

Geändert von Hansi Blocker (22.04.2020 um 06:31 Uhr)
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