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20.08.2015 00:02
AW: Blue tables?

Zitat von Tsuyoshi Beitrag anzeigen
Oh really? I would like to see this. That sounds amazing, black tables! And then maybe pink, skyblue or lime lines. This would look very modern and interesting.
I agree!

Zitat von Tsuyoshi Beitrag anzeigen
I don't like anymore the old green tables. I prefer much more the blue tables.

Did the situation change in germany? And what about other countries in Europe?
I think green tables versus blue tables still 60:40 or even 70:30. But I prefer blue tables, too.
11.08.2015 13:41
AW: Blue tables?

Zitat von JanMove Beitrag anzeigen
I'm not sure, but I think in Belgium they play (sometimes) on black tables.
Oh really? I would like to see this. That sounds amazing, black tables! And then maybe pink, skyblue or lime lines. This would look very modern and interesting.

I don't like anymore the old green tables. I prefer much more the blue tables.

Did the situation change in germany? And what about other countries in Europe?
16.06.2015 04:56
AW: Blue tables?

I think the Manufacturers agreed on those Standard colors to make things easy and lean.
Maybe someone wants to found a new company with fancy but ittf-approved colors? May meet worldwide demand?
16.06.2015 02:29
Gerrit Huber
AW: Blue tables?

I think in germany it depends in which area you live. There are areas where you'll find nearly only green tables. And in other areas it is starting to get a majority with blue tables.
06.05.2015 16:13
AW: Blue tables?

I'm not sure, but I think in Belgium they play (sometimes) on black tables.
06.05.2015 10:13
AW: Blue tables?

Zitat von Push Beitrag anzeigen
So dark-red would be also possible or dark-grey!?

Did somebody ever saw another colour on tournaments than green and blue?
ummm...yeah, just recently for example the World Championships in China on purple DHS tables.
06.05.2015 08:33
AW: Blue tables?

So dark-red would be also possible or dark-grey!?

Did somebody ever saw another colour on tournaments than green and blue?
28.04.2015 13:42
AW: Blue tables?

Zitat von Uranus Beitrag anzeigen
I think sure only blue and green is allowed. I never saw in leagues or tournaments another colour than this ones.
This is definitely wrong!
There are no restrictions on the color of the table.
The only requirement is that the table must have a dark and dull finish.
28.04.2015 01:17
AW: Blue tables?

Zitat von Smash Beitrag anzeigen
Sure, more and more blue tables also in germany!
I am happy, we are playing now also on blue tables.

Today we had our club meeting an 70:30 choosed in an election to change to blue tables. Only the older players wanted to stay with green, but all younger players decided to use blue tables in the future.
Now we order 6 tables for the matches in blue colour, whilst we are using the other green tables for the practise. And next year we will order 6 more blue tables.

Zitat von Smash Beitrag anzeigen
Are there only blue and green tables allowed or is there no special rule about the color, so that also red or black tables would be allowed for official matches and tournaments?
I think sure only blue and green is allowed. I never saw in leagues or tournaments another colour than this ones.
18.07.2014 19:38
AW: Blue tables?

Zitat von Bits&Bobs Beitrag anzeigen
who gives a horses arse?
About what, specifically? The colour of ping-pong tables?
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