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Rules and Regulations Table Tennis rules and regulations. Need help with a rules-related dispute or having some controversial situation you couldn't solve on your own? Always wanted to learn how to serve legally? etc. >> powered by DONIC

Alt 03.01.2012, 20:55
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AW: Blue tables?

In our club there is no chance for blue tables also for yellow balls. Yellow balls are only used in training.
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Alt 05.01.2012, 09:33
wng wng ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

When you choose the ball you should also consider the colour of the floor and the background!
A wooden floor and an orange ball might be a bad combination.
Same with a white or light grey floor and a white ball.
Grüße Wolfgang
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Alt 17.07.2012, 10:40
Pong64 Pong64 ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

That is the former point.
The walls and the floor is much more important to the colour of the balls.
(may be the light also).
I am not fond of balls that nearly disappear when they left the table .
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Alt 14.03.2013, 21:23
Tsuyoshi Tsuyoshi ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

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The most clubs in germany still play at the moment on green tables, but in the most other countries, all clubs play on blue tables.

The number of blue tables in Germany is increasing more and more, too.
How is the situation now, 10 years later? Did the numbers of blue tables still increase in Germany? Worldwide, there is a big majority of blue tables!
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Alt 15.02.2014, 18:11
Smash Smash ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

Sure, more and more blue tables also in germany!

Are there only blue and green tables allowed or is there no special rule about the color, so that also red or black tables would be allowed for official matches and tournaments?
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Alt 18.07.2014, 18:16
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

I haven't played on a green table in ages. Everything's blue here, the tables, the velvet, the moon...and I'm blue, too, at times..
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Alt 18.07.2014, 19:22
Bits&Bobs Bits&Bobs ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

who gives a horses arse?
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Alt 18.07.2014, 19:38
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

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who gives a horses arse?
About what, specifically? The colour of ping-pong tables?
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Alt 28.04.2015, 01:17
Uranus Uranus ist offline
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AW: Blue tables?

Zitat von Smash Beitrag anzeigen
Sure, more and more blue tables also in germany!
I am happy, we are playing now also on blue tables.

Today we had our club meeting an 70:30 choosed in an election to change to blue tables. Only the older players wanted to stay with green, but all younger players decided to use blue tables in the future.
Now we order 6 tables for the matches in blue colour, whilst we are using the other green tables for the practise. And next year we will order 6 more blue tables.

Zitat von Smash Beitrag anzeigen
Are there only blue and green tables allowed or is there no special rule about the color, so that also red or black tables would be allowed for official matches and tournaments?
I think sure only blue and green is allowed. I never saw in leagues or tournaments another colour than this ones.
BTY Tenergy 05 2.1BTY Korbel SK7 • BTY Tenergy 64 1.9
TIBHAR Evolution MX-P 2.1DONIC Persson Seven • TIBHAR Evolution EL-S 1.9
TIBHAR Evolution EL-D 2.1TIBHAR Darko Jorgic Dynamic J7 • TIBHAR Evolution FX-D 2.1
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Alt 28.04.2015, 13:42
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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AW: Blue tables?

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I think sure only blue and green is allowed. I never saw in leagues or tournaments another colour than this ones.
This is definitely wrong!
There are no restrictions on the color of the table.
The only requirement is that the table must have a dark and dull finish.
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