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Wörterbuch für die Weltstadt
in hessen liegt die EINZIGE weltsatdt deutschlands.
damit auch alle weltstadtreisende verstehen was ihnen gesagt wird, dieses kleine wörterbuch: grüße benjamin pS. vor allem o wie offenbach verdient beachtung This is the ultimate Hessisch-English Dictionary for all english speaking people intending to make a business trip to Frankfurt and get lost somewhere between the airport and Sachsenhausen. A Anner - The other one B Babba - Father babbele - to speak babbisch - sticky Balmegadde - Famous botanical garden wie bei de Hembels unnerm Sofa - Colloquial: legendary place that everybody knows but nobody has ever seen beleidischd Lebberworscht - Sensitive person Bembel - Jug for famous Hessian beverage Bobbelsche - Little child, baby Bosse mache - to do something stupid brunze - to urinate bummbe - to beat, hit D Dasch - Bag, pocket der geht ran wie de Flocki ans Gehaggte - Not very shy person des zischt wie Abbelsaft - that fizzes like apple juice" Dibbe - Pot Dibbemess' - Frankfurt public festival Dollbohrer - Awkward person also known as "Hannebambel" Dorschenanner - A big mess dozze lasse - drop something dribbe - over there druff - up there Dubbe - blot of paint; also: to be somewhat dull Dummbabbler - Someone who talks too much. Similar to: "Sabbelschnuut" E Ebbel - Apple Ebbelwoi - famous Hessian beverage enuff - up enunner - down Erbaame! Zu spät! Die Hesse komme! - Hessian National Anthem F fuddele - to work not very accurately G Geknoddel - Total mess Grädediersche - Small fish Grie Soß - Popular Frankfurt dish gugge Cucumber - to watch Gummer Guuuude - Hello, nice to see you! Ei Guuuude wiie? - Hello, nice to see you! How are you today? Wo meschste hie? - Where are you going? Guutsje - Candy H Häusje - Small house, hut Hauptwach - Frankfurt Times Square Herr uff - Stop! Similar to: Mooomendemal" Hessisch-Kongo - Area south of Darmstadt Hessisch-Sibirie - Area north of Giessen Hibbe - over there; to jump Hibbelisch - nervous Hinkel - Chicken Hogge - to sit Horschemol! - Listen! K Kaan Bock net - unmotivated Kaff - Small town Kerrnsche - Small car Kipp - Cigarette Klaa - small L Labbe - Washcloth Lebbe geht weider - Hessian motto like "Don't worry, be happy" Lebbern - to drink Lumbeseggel - Furtive person M Mobbelsche - Not even skinny person. Similar to:"Pummelsche" N Naggisch - naked Nippes - Useless things O Offebach - Frankfurt Bronx P petze - to drink plärre - to cry S Sabber - Saliva Schnalle - to understand; also colloquial for female Schnegge tschegge - To watch nice girls Schnibbelsche - Little piece Schnuggelsche - Candy; cute girl Schnuuud - Mouth Schodder - cash, money Schwanger Lersch - Fat (female) person sisch ablesche - to go to sleep Simbel - Simpleton Stinkwatz - Smelly person U Uffgeblase - arrogant Uffrabbele - to get up; to pull oneself together Uffschnitt - all Hessian sausages, starting with an "u" V Veraaasche - to make fun of someone W Wutz - Pig; dirty person Z Zeil - Broadway in Frankfurt Zuggerschneggsche - Sweet round biscuits; also: pet name for girlfriend ************************ Popular Hessian Phrases: ************************ Unn? - What's goin' on? Kumm Hoiner, steck der a o - Do you want to smoke, Henrik? Was hattan da de Babba da? - What has the father in his hand? Aasch glaab s gehd lous! - Are you nuts? Prodoneworscht - Bread without meat Du ahle Babbsagg! - You suck! Hä? - Excuse me Sir, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement. I couldn't hear you well. Mer waases net. - We don't know. Des is abber babbisch! - This is a little sticky! Die hat do en Dubbe! - She is nuts! Mer laaft de brieh de stern enunner - Sweat is running down my face. Heit brennt de Planeeet widder. - It's really hot today. Uffgebassd! - Pay attention! Isch werd rischtisch rammdoesisch - I'm feeling kind of weird Kenndisch graad verriggd werrn! - I'm going mad Ooch gee haahm! - Be off with you, you foolish person! Isch mach weida. - Good bye.
ich habs versucht, aber ich bin einfach zu schlecht um ohne lange noppen zu gewinnen... ![]() |
Seid wann ist denn Gießen eine Weltstadt?
"Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack."
(Sun Tzu) |
Des hasde abä schee gmacht, Benjamin.
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nene, ist nicht von mir
![]() hab ich nur im netz gefunden ![]()
ich habs versucht, aber ich bin einfach zu schlecht um ohne lange noppen zu gewinnen... ![]() |
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