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BeTTV - Trainingspartner / Trainingsmöglichkeit gesucht Sucht Ihr eine Trainingsmöglichkeit oder freut Ihr Euch über weitere Trainingspartner, dann habt Ihr hier eine Kontaktmöglichkeit.

Alt 25.04.2010, 23:51
saverio.miroddi saverio.miroddi ist offline
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Private trainer in Berlin?

[Sorry for the double posting, but I haven't been able to change the title of the previous post to specify the location]

Is there any available table tennis trainer in Berlin?
I'm moving permanently at the start of the month, and in order to keep the rhythm, I'd like to find anybody available for the upcoming Saturday and Sunday (May 1/2).

I generally train for ~2.5 hour per session. Quality is by far more important than cost.
I don't currently speak german, only english :-)

You can contact me via private message - thanks!
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Alt 19.05.2010, 20:30
Christian Herz Christian Herz ist offline
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AW: Private trainer in Berlin?

Hi Saverio!
Toni a friend and player in our club has told me that you like to play table tennis with training. If you would like to play we can try it - for example at thursday. We can start at 7 pm. You can find our club in levetzowstraße 3 in the third floor.
If you want you can call me: 39789236 or 0177/6155555
bye bye
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