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Alt 18.02.2001, 22:45
TAU TAU ist offline
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Can somebody answer my question?:

When are the Qatar Open?
And which Germans play there?

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Alt 18.02.2001, 23:25
Ponger Ponger ist offline
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hm. according to www.ittfprotour.com, in the Preliminary rounds, the only German man playing is FEJER-KONNERTH Zoltan and the only German woman is HOFMANN Tanja.

Of course, this doesn't include the players who are seeded out - but I can't seem to find out who exactly these are from the website

These players are definitely not going to be there: Wang Liqin, Samsonov, Persson.

The preliminary rounds start tomorrow (19 Feb).
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Alt 21.02.2001, 00:37
zachary zachary ist offline
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Latest results of the Qatar Open

The Qatar Open (Men's) is now in the Round of 32, and so far all the German players except Fejer-Konnert have made it through:

Rosskopf - Koji Sanada (JPN): won by default
Boll - Tugwell Finn (DEN): 3 - 1 (21/11, 21/16, 16/21, 21/13)
Fejer-Konnerth - Ruo Yoo Seung (KOR): 0-3 (17/21, 15/21, 18/21)
Franz - Kostadin Lengerov (AUT): 3 - 1 (16/21, 21/14, 21/10, 21/16)

The next set of matches involving the German men are:
Franz vs Saive (FRA)
Rosskopf vs Oh Sang Eun (KOR)
Boll vs Blaszczyk Lucjan (POL)

In the Women's event, Tanja Hofmann will be playing against Liu Jia (AUT) in the round of 32.

I had earlier posted the results here with a win by Fejer-Konnerth over Ruo - this was taken from the ITTF report at about 0200 GMT+1 21.02. The official score report seems to have had some errors in it, and this edited post reflects the changes (i.e. Ruo winning over Fejer-Konnerth) as of 0400 GMT+1 21.02

Geändert von zachary (21.02.2001 um 04:06 Uhr)
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Alt 21.02.2001, 17:08
zachary zachary ist offline
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Upsets in the Qatar Open

A series of upsets today in the Qatar Open.

Chiang Peng-Lung, #4 in the world ranking list, was upset by Danish player Allan Bentsen (ranked #44): 9-21 , 21-23, 21-19, 21-11, 18-21.

Chila also upset Werner Schlager 3 - 1 (21-13, 21-13, 22-24, 21-15).

This means the #1 and #2 seeds are out.

Rosskopf is through to the round of 16 after beating Oh Sang Eun 3 - 2 (17-21, 21-12, 20-22, 21-11, 21-18),
but it looks like Blaszczyk beat Timo Boll 3 - 1 (30-28, 21-8, 13-21, 21-13).

Results taken from ITTF's official site, but please be aware that they seem to have trouble reporting scores accurately and make occasional amendments.

If the results are accurate, then Rosskopf is the only German left in competition, and will play Blaszczyk next.
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Alt 21.02.2001, 21:36
zachary zachary ist offline
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More Updates from Qatar

Timo Boll / Zoltan Fejer-Konnerth defeated Eloi/Legout 2 - 0 (21/11, 21/19) and are now in the Quarter finals! Their next opponents will be Chila/Martinez.

Peter Franz, with doubles partner Ma Wenge from China, defeated Croatian pair Primorac/Tosic 2 - 1 (21/13, 19/21, 21/17).

Chiang Peng-Lung and Chang Yuan-Su, who have just defeated Rosskopf/Korbel 2 - 1 (14/21, 22/20, 21/17), will play Franz/Ma in the Quarter-finals.

Austrian pair Schlager/Jindrak defeated the Danish pair Bentsen/Tugwell 2 - 1.

In the Men's Singles, the round of 16 is over. but due to some confusion in the score reporting of Rosskopf's match in the round of 32 against Oh Sang Eun, I can't tell which one is in the quarters. Waldner and Kreanga are out; the other quarter-finals matches are:

BENTSEN Allan (DEN) vs SAIVE Jean-Michel (BEL)
TASAKI Toshio (JPN) vs KIM Taek Soo (KOR)
PRIMORAC Zoran (CRO) vs MA Wenge (CHN)
CHILA Patrick (FRA) vs ?

Geändert von zachary (21.02.2001 um 21:43 Uhr)
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Alt 22.02.2001, 16:15
zachary zachary ist offline
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well the only quarterfinals played and reported so far is SAIVE Jean-Michel (BEL) over BENTSEN (DEN): 3 - 1 (19/21, 21/17, 21/13, 21/11)

It seems definite now: the score reported by ittf yesterday in the Rosskopf/Oh match was wrong. Oh won the match, and is now playing in the quarter-finals.

The doubles finals are all-Asian:

KIM Taek Soo/OH Sang Eun (KOR) vs CHIANG Peng-Lung/CHANG Yuan-Shu (TPE) for the Men

RYU Ji Hye/KIM Moo Kyo (KOR) vs KIM Hyon Hui/Kim Hyang Mi (PRK) for the Women
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