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Alt 26.02.2001, 03:46
Alan Alan ist offline
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Registriert seit: 20.02.2001
Beiträge: 2
Alan ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
The famous American sportswriter with some advice:

I have learned something well worthwhile
that victory could not bring;
To wipe the blood from my mouth and smile
where none can see the sting.

I can walk head up while my heart is down
From the beating that brought it's good.
And that means more than the champion's crown,
Who is taking an easier road.

I have learned something worth far more
than victory brings to men;
Battered and beaten, bruised and sore,
I can still come back again.

Crowded back in the hard tough race,
I've found that I have the heart
to look raw failure in the face
and train for another start.

Winners who wear the victor's wreath,
looking for softer ways,
Watch for my blade as it leaves the sheath
sharpened on rougher days.

Trained upon pain and punishment,
I have groped my way through the night.
But the flag still flies at my battle tent,
I have only begun to fight!

Grantland Rice
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