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Alt 22.01.2012, 14:37
ssjsonic ssjsonic ist offline
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TT in Singapore


I'm planning to study abroad in Singapore or Hong Kong, but preferably in Singapore.
Has anyone information about TT in Singapore? I haven't found much yet, especially there are hardly any TT clubs, aren't there?

So are there good possibilities to train there, but not only with personal trainers, rather in a team or the like?
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Alt 24.01.2012, 11:47
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TSC TSC ist offline
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AW: TT in Singapore

Have you tried to get in touch with the STTA?
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."
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Alt 31.01.2012, 13:38
Schlaftablette Schlaftablette ist offline
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AW: TT in Singapore

Hello ssjsonic,

there are many places in Singapore to play, but depending on where you from, the system in which they are organized can be a little bit diffrent from what you are used to.
There are no public clubs but mostly everything is private so you need an invitation to play there. It is like in most asian countries, you need to know someone who knows someone aso..
But you are going there to study, so you should check out the tabletennis club of your university/school first.
Oh and check out 'sgpingpong.forumotion.net' there you'll find many 'kakis' who are intrested in meeting and playing a good match!
And depending on where you live in Singapore be prepared to travel about an hour! Most action goes in the east, around Tampines area.
This information should be at least enough to get a grip in the singaporian tabletennis scene, if you need more detailed informations, just ask me.

Whish you lot's of fun playing and have good and fertil studies! ^^
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Alt 16.02.2012, 23:12
ssjsonic ssjsonic ist offline
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AW: TT in Singapore

Thank you very much for your help!
Since there is still some time until the exchange, so I can plan step by step.
Probably, I will have some more questions, when the trip comes closer

But could you tell me, how the average level is? Have you been to Singapore and played there?

Best regards
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Alt 07.03.2012, 01:31
Schlaftablette Schlaftablette ist offline
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AW: TT in Singapore

You can find any level of players.
And yes, I played in Singapore.
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