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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Who wins the Croatian Open?
Zoran Primorac 2 13,33%
Vladimir Samsonov 2 13,33%
Chiang Peng-Lung 5 33,33%
Werner Schlager 2 13,33%
Jean-Michel Saive 0 0%
Jan-Ove Waldner 1 6,67%
Jörgen Persson 0 0%
Jörg Rosskopf 0 0%
Lars Hielscher 1 6,67%
Others 2 13,33%
Teilnehmer: 15. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 10.03.2001, 12:29
TAU TAU ist offline
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Who wins the Croatian Open??????
Maybe a German?
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Alt 11.03.2001, 22:36
Thorsten Thorsten ist offline
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Primorace seems to be playing better recently and in front of his home crowd he might do even better. So my money is on him.
You gotta be good, to be lucky

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Alt 14.03.2001, 15:55
TAU TAU ist offline
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if you need more information:

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Alt 14.03.2001, 23:04
zachary zachary ist offline
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bad news for Waldner fans

Waldner will not be competing in the Croatian Open because of illness, as reported by www.ittfprotour.com.

He has apparently been ill for some days now, and played in the Swedish national championships earlier this week despite a fever.
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Alt 16.03.2001, 21:03
MSR MSR ist offline
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Primorac Out

Well, Primorac was ousted from the tournament and so was my pick (Samsonov). It looks like it's Chiang's tournament to lose now. Of the names listed in the poll he's the only one still alive.
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Alt 17.03.2001, 07:01
zachary zachary ist offline
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Ort: Konstanz
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Exciting Quarter-finals

It looks like we have a bunch of really interesting matches in the quarters.

Kreanga vs Heister should be excellent - Kreanga is having a great tournament, but I seem to recall having read a lot about Heister last year as the man to watch.

I'm also curious to see how the Germans will do against Chiang Penglung (Peter Franz gets to play him) and Ma Wenge (Torben Wosik gets him).
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