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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Which European can broke the power of the Asians?
Timo Boll (Germany) 34 69,39%
Michael Maze (Denmark) 1 2,04%
Magnus Molin (Sweden) 0 0%
Vladimir Samsonov (Belarus) 2 4,08%
Daniel Zwickl (Hungary) 0 0%
Christian Süß (Germany) 4 8,16%
Werner Schlager (Austria) 5 10,20%
Constantin Cioti (Rumania) 0 0%
Daniel Quentel (France) 0 0%
Eric Varin (France) 0 0%
an other player 3 6,12%
Teilnehmer: 49. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 28.11.2002, 01:13
acq acq ist offline
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Tansincos question has been answered more then once already; there is no need to ask for players who could threaten the chinese powerhouse, as players like Boll, Schlager and a few others do it constantly on the tour and in big tourneys.

A questionmark remains for the swedes though; obviously Lundqvist has improved this year, maybe he even passed Molin, but is that enough for a country with a major tradition of top players?
I don't really see the rising stars in the generation born 82-85.
R.Svensson and C.Asamoah were good juniors, but they seem to struggle taking the next step (assuming that the next step has to be becoming a top-player).
J. Axelqvist was a good junior as well, but is he world class material? I don't think so.

D. Ovtcharov of Germany is maybe on his way to become Germanys next star after Boll. E.g. Germany has quite a few good juniors coming up, which should make officials in other countries curious on how talents are supported there.
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Alt 17.01.2003, 17:53
Hülser Hülser ist offline
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Re: Süß

Original geschrieben von Tansincos
I think Christian Süß can become as well as Boll oder maybe better.

But otherwise, Boll had played very good in the Bundesliga with 16 years, ander Süß, already 16, hadn´t win a game in the Bundesliga last season!

By the way, in my opinin is now Samsonov better than Boll. But this could chance very far...
nice english *g*

In my opinion there's only one player who can (or is) stop(ing) the domination of the asian's:

Timo Boll.
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Alt 03.01.2004, 14:37
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Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: Which European can broke the power of the Asians?

Hi All,

I was just surfin' around in the WWW and found the actual ITTF ranking list valid for January 2004:

1 (<<) 2325 MA Lin CHN
2 (<<) 2311 WANG Liqin CHN
3 (4) 2209 WANG Hao CHN
4 (3) 2193 CHUAN Chih-Yuan TPE
5 (<<) 2123 SAMSONOV Vladimir BLR
6 (<<) 2103 BOLL Timo GER
7 (8) 2063 LIU Guozheng CHN
8 (11) 2054 CHEN Qi CHN
9 (7) 2052 KREANGA Kalinikos GRE
10 (12) 2033 RYU Seung Min KOR
11 (9) 2030 KONG Linghui CHN
12 (10) 2023 SCHLAGER Werner AUT
13 (12) 1981 CHIANG Peng-Lung TPE
14 (19) 1971 HAO Shuai CHN
15 (<<) 1968 OH Sang Eun KOR
16 (14) 1953 SMIRNOV Alexei RUS
17 (<<) 1896 JOO Se Hyuk KOR
18 (16) 1892 SAIVE Jean-Michel BEL
19 (20) 1885 QIU Yike CHN
20 (18) 1884 PRIMORAC Zoran HRV

As you may see, the top 3 players are again Chinese players and 5 out of top ten are from China.
It seems the Chinese won back their full leadership in the world.

Which European could break this leadership in the near future ???


Geändert von Nosti49 (03.01.2004 um 14:38 Uhr) Grund: Nachtrag+Änderung eines Verschreibers
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