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Alt 21.10.2014, 13:46
angel10 angel10 ist offline
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Idee New offense-blade and rubbers for topspin-style


I am looking for a new racket.

The old combination had been Stiga Energy Wood, forehand Butterfly Tenergy 64 and backhand Xiom Omega Pro.

The new rubbers should be softer and I want a little bit more spin.

The new blade should be harder and/or faster for halfdistance (normally I try to stay at the table, but sometimes not possible). The blade should be in a weight range of 82 to 88 gramm. 80 gramm or less is to light for me and 90 gramm or more is to heavy for me.

Any ideas?
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Alt 22.10.2014, 20:06
Andreas F. Andreas F. ist offline
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AW: New offense-blade and rubbers for topspin-style

What about this combination:

forehand: Donic Bluefire M2

backhand: Tibhar Evolution FX-P

blade: Stiga Infinity VPS, Tibhar Samsonov Force Pro, Donic Waldner Senso V1
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Alt 05.11.2014, 00:47
Flo98 Flo98 ist offline
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AW: New offense-blade and rubbers for topspin-style

You could try Tibhar Samsonov Premium Contact and forehand Evolution EL-P and backhand Evolution FX-P.
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Alt 16.11.2014, 18:35
Stefan Lamm Stefan Lamm ist offline
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AW: New offense-blade and rubbers for topspin-style

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I am looking for a new racket.

The old combination had been Stiga Energy Wood, forehand Butterfly Tenergy 64 and backhand Xiom Omega Pro.
I was also using Stiga Energy Wood for many years.

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The new blade should be harder and/or faster for halfdistance (normally I try to stay at the table, but sometimes not possible). The blade should be in a weight range of 82 to 88 gramm. 80 gramm or less is to light for me and 90 gramm or more is to heavy for me.

Any ideas?
You can try Stiga Clipper WRB, Stiga Rosewood V or VII or Tibhar Samsonov Force Pro Black Edition.

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The new rubbers should be softer and I want a little bit more spin.
The Tibhar Evolution rubbers are a good choice, many players are using these rubbers, but maybe you can also try the FX-version of T76 and Europe-version of Omega!
Risikolos gewinnen heißt ruhmlos siegen.
Pierre Corneille (1606-84), frz. Dramatiker
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