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Alt 14.04.2001, 01:12
Markus Graph Markus Graph ist offline
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Now we have all to play with the 40 mm ball. Do you change your paddle, your rubbers or your blade?
Do you play faster rubbers or a faster blade now?
Or do you play the same rubbers with a bigger thickness?
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Alt 17.04.2001, 07:17
dennistn dennistn ist offline
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So far I have experimented with thicker sponge on my forehand only. It did not seem to help, my style is very much allaround. I attack, but I also depend on being able to chop when needed. Thicker sponge robbed me of the feel I need, I think I will try a faster blade at some point, but not anything extreme. My choice of rubber is Butterfly Catapult 2.1 mm and Butterfly Feint Long II .5 mm. My blade is a Schildkrot C-Max, it provides the control I need for my game.

Things may be different for pure attacking players. I'll let them speak for themselves.


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Alt 20.04.2001, 22:19
zachary zachary ist offline
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I haven't decided yet if I should change equipment...

I'm a penhold pips-out blocker/hitter using Spectol on a Double Happiness blade. I have heard about TSP and other companies releasing new rubbers (or old topsheets with new sponges) for the new 40mm ball, but I'm not sure if it's the best thing for me.

The thing I really like about my 1.8mm Spectol is the low and flat bounce that I get on my hits and fast-loops. I'm worried that the new sponges (which have I believe some kind of 'Tensor'-like effect) will change that. I am also not really willing to give up control on my blocks and flat-hits in exchange for more speed.

Basically, I am waiting to see what experiences other people have with the new pips-out equipment before I make up my mind.
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Alt 06.05.2001, 23:13
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The albatross The albatross ist offline
René Schaible
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I played with a Banco Diva Energie plus (tensor) and I have changed to the good old Bryce, because I felt the tensor rubber beeing a little bit too soft for my forehand.

I also play a faster wood now and put more speed glue.
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