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Alt 13.12.2016, 08:17
rocketman222 rocketman222 ist offline
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BBC - Unidirectional Carbon Blade

Hi friends,

This is my first post for a new creation by charlie of bladesbycharlie.com

This blade incorporates what he calls unidirectional carbon from the aerospace industry, unlike the regular carbon fiber, where the carbon is woven from fibers running in both directions(horizontal, vertical), all the fibers in this are laid out horizontally, and this makes it flex more in the vertical direction.

Plys: 5
Layers: Hinoki - UAC - Bombax - UAC - Hinoki
Width: 6.2mm
Weight: 90g
Class: OFF+
Handle: Anatomic
Rubbers: Tenergy 05 and Tibhar MX-P

Countering: This is a fast blade. So counters are effortless and i had to use minimal effort to get the ball over the other side with decent pace.

Looping against blocks: I have been trying to shorten my forehand driving action, to use a more forearm snapping style, and this blade suits that style perfectly, it provided plenty of spin and power with a shorter swing, thereby i could maintain a better recovery/ balance without compromising power.

Looping backspin: The blade's flex, gives it a high throw angle which came in handy while looping backspin, i was able to manage looping pushes even with a closed blade angle, producing a medium highish arc.

Blocking: Like any carbon blade, blocking is effortless. And I was at times able to employ an offensive punch block, helping me kill high loops especially on the backhand side.

Short game: This is where i struggled the most, even though the blade has good dwell and soft outer layers, it is still an OFF+ blade, i had a hard time in the first match returning serves, my pushes would go long, however after a couple of sets, i was able to adjust my touch to return serves more effectively, but on the good side i was able to offensively open long serves on the backhand with a quick snap of the wrist for a winner. Also was able to flick a few short high balls for winners on the forehand side.

I tested this blade for 3 full sessions, doing drills and playing games, i have to agree with charlie on the flex and sweet spot, this blade has no sweet spot, because the entire blade is a giant sweet spot.

I suggest this blade for players with good touch that would love to generate pace and spin with short strokes, the only blade i can compare this to that i have hit with in the past would be Butterfly Amultart.
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Name:	BBC - Unidirectional Carbon Blade_1.jpg
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ID:	58430   Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	BBC - Unidirectional Carbon Blade_2.jpg
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ID:	58431   Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	BBC - Unidirectional Carbon Blade_3.jpg
Hits:	49
Größe:	817,4 KB
ID:	58432   Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	BBC - Unidirectional Carbon Blade_4.jpg
Hits:	53
Größe:	916,4 KB
ID:	58433  

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Name:	BBC - Unidirectional Carbon Blade_5.jpg
Hits:	40
Größe:	859,3 KB
ID:	58434  
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Alt 15.12.2016, 02:46
Townsman Townsman ist offline
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AW: BBC - Unidirectional Carbon Blade

Thank you for your review.
Zitat von rocketman222 Beitrag anzeigen
This is my first post for a new creation by charlie of bladesbycharlie.com

This blade incorporates what he calls unidirectional carbon from the aerospace industry, unlike the regular carbon fiber, where the carbon is woven from fibers running in both directions(horizontal, vertical), all the fibers in this are laid out horizontally, and this makes it flex more in the vertical direction.
This sounds really interesting!

People love Carbon, but many players would like to have it more flexible.
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