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Alt 05.11.2017, 01:07
KeKo KeKo ist offline
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Weak Umpires

Hello all,

I was watching a lot of the ETTU Youth Olympic Games Qualification games through laola1.tv and I was wondering about why so many Umpires are not able to announce the current score.

I was watching the Belgium Open at second Screen, the Umpires at this tournement do a great job. Why were the good Umpires at Belgium and there was so less interest in the Youth Olympic qualification ?
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Alt 07.11.2017, 14:39
Benutzerbild von Peter Igel
Peter Igel Peter Igel ist offline
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AW: Weak Umpires

they are not even able to announce the current score, they are completely blind.
Don't see balls touching the edge neither services far beyond from good and evil.

And have dramatic failures in throwing balls over a distance from 3 meters!
Many ball system disqualifies more than 90 percent of all umpires!

Ganz gutes Schulenglisch, oder?
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