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Butterfly Innerforce ZLC & Butterfly Garaydia ZLC
Hi All,
I would like to sell two of my following blades: Butterfly Garaydia ZLC FL - 87 grams Some dents on the edges. Playing surface still very smooth. Plays wonderful. Asking price €100 euro's including shipping Butterfly Innerforce ZLC FL - 87 grams Some wood splinters came off during the removal of the rubbers. Still plays very nice. Asking price 80 euros including shipping. If you have any questions, please let me know! Also open for trades with Butterfly ALC, ZLF and ZLC blades. Blades are located in the Netherlands Photos Geändert von van_doorn (31.08.2018 um 14:42 Uhr) |
AW: Butterfly Innerforce ZLC & Butterfly Garaydia ZLC
AW: Butterfly Innerforce ZLC & Butterfly Garaydia ZLC
Price lowered! 140 euro’s including shipping for the pair!
AW: Butterfly Innerforce ZLC & Butterfly Garaydia ZLC
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