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Alt 10.07.2001, 21:50
jpetrovs jpetrovs ist offline
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tabletennis in your country

I am wondering how tabletennis is organised in your country ? Do you play in leagues and how many tablennis players are active (in clubs).
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Alt 22.11.2001, 00:08
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Cissai Cissai ist offline
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Table tennis in Germany

Here in Germany we are playing in leagues, I play in the "Bezirksliga", that is not very high.
But we also play "Kreismeisterschaften", there the ttt-players of our province play a tournament and the two best players are qualified for the next bigger event and so on, maybe you play the German Championships, but the waay to this tournament isn´t easy.
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Alt 08.03.2002, 12:18
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We have 4 teams and 35 players in the club.
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Alt 11.11.2004, 13:54
shortytje shortytje ist offline
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Ort: belgium
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AW: tabletennis in your country

In Belguim it's the same way as in the football league. We have super-division, than 1e national, 2e national, 3e national, 1e province, 2e province, 3e province, 4e province, 5eprovince. The more you go down the more players there are playing in (for example 5e province A, B, C, D, E,F with in each category 10 teams who play against eachother twice a year)
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